What to Consider For Your New Home

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A home is more than just a building to put your stuff in. It’s a shelter, a temple, a symbol of success and safety. It’s a collection of memories and a familiar place that becomes part of your identity. That being said, preparing for a new home is more than just buying the plot of land and figuring out furniture. It’s figuring out how to make this place yours, in style and aesthetic, and also how to properly protect this space from the outside world.

wooden house

Here are some tips to consider when setting up your new home.

Implementing Safety Features

Unfortunately, bad things can happen. We can put security measures in place to try and prevent them and should the worst happen, these measures may be the key to catching the culprit. Something as simple as adding a security camera outside your home will not only give you proof if something does happen, it will hopefully act as a deterrent to people looking to do harm. You can review cameras at 24/7 Home Security, or any other website that sells wireless cameras.

security camera

What Services Do You Need?

If you’re moving into a house for the first time from an apartment, you’ve probably never thought about needing to “set up the power” or “set up the internet” or anything like that. You may have never even had a separate water bill. It’s important to set all of these things up ideally before you move into your new home, so that you can enjoy your space as soon as you’re there. You can notify utilities companies in advance about your move-in day so you don’t need to do it on the day. You can also schedule your internet provider to come set it up in advance.

Living room paint

You’ll need to remember to put in a change of address form with the post office, so you know you’re getting all of your mail. It might be worth leaving a forwarding address at your previous home so those who move in can get you anything that the post office misses. Don’t want to miss anything important!

How to Pack/Unpack?

Packing up your whole life to move is arguably one of the most stressful ordeals known to man. Even if you live in a small space now, you’ll be amazed at how much stuff you’ve collected over the years. The best way to tackle the process (and make it easier to unpack in the new home) is to pack by room. For example, pack all the kitchen things together, living room things together, bedroom things together, wall decorations together, etc. It won’t be perfect, but it’ll at least give you a place to start when it’s time to unpack everything.


How to Make it Yours

We live in an unprecedented era of resources, so finding your style is as easy as searching interior design pages on instagram or Pinterest. While budget is a reality, most styles can be emulated with more affordable options. Sort through different pictures and consider not just what is “cute”, but also what feels more “you” or “home”. Lots of places look gorgeous, but wouldn’t feel very homey to live in.

Red living room

Once you get an idea of what you like, you will have an idea of a “theme” to stick to, so when you see an item you like, you can ask yourself, “does this fit the ultimate theme I’m going for?” It will take time and patience. Don’t expect to fully decorate your home in the first month unless you’re able to drop a lot of money.Moving into a new home is an exciting time, full of new possibilities. Although it can seem incredibly overwhelming, think of it as an opportunity to start your new beginning, and use it accordingly.

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