Alcohol Recovery Diet 101: The Best Diet Tips for Recovering Alcoholics

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Alcoholism is a serious disease affecting millions of Americans. More than 88,000 deaths each year are alcohol-related, though alcohol is one of the most preventable causes of death. If you’re an alcoholic or you’re close to someone who is, you know that alcoholism recovery is a complex and ongoing process.

Healthy diet
Healthy food selection with fruits, vegetables, seeds, superfood, cereals on gray background

An alcoholic in recovery is always working on their sobriety. Staying committed often means changing your lifestyle in several ways, including diet. To help, we’ve put together the guide below with tips for an alcohol recovery diet.

Accept That Committing to a New Diet May Be Tough

If you’ve asked “what is the definition of alcoholism” and have done research, you likely know the disease is one based in addiction. Often, when an addict gives up one vice, they replace it with another. Many recovering alcoholics turn to food to fill the hole that alcohol once did.

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Before committing to eating certain foods to heal your body, you should set realistic expectations. There may be times that you feel compelled to eat certain foods or a certain volume of food. Those feelings are normal, but knowing what foods are most helpful to you during this time will be important.

Eat for Your Nutritional Deficiencies

You know that alcoholism can take a huge toll on your body, and that includes depleting it of key nutrients. Your doctor at arc rehab for alcohol can run tests, but common deficiencies include Vitamin B, thiamine, and folic acid. Salmon, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and citrus are all good sources of these nutrients.

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Aim to Improve Your Liver and Pancreatic Health

Your liver and pancreas suffered during your time of alcohol abuse. But, even if you’ve experienced cirrhosis, you can still use food to help speed the healing process. Build your alcohol recovery diet to be rich in protein and healthy carbohydrates, with a focus on healthy fats and minimal sugar.

Consider Supplements as Part of Your Alcohol Recovery Diet

Building your diet around nutrient-dense, healthy foods is pivotal, but you may need supplements, too. Your doctor will recommend the ideal options for your needs. Some common supplements recommended for recovering alcoholics include B-12, vitamins A, C, and E, and magnesium.

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Establish Your Plan Early

Don’t put off your diet makeover. The sooner you can work with your doctor to create your recovery diet and commit to it, the better. You’ll have a lot to work on, so getting your healthy diet established early on can help you focus on the bigger parts of your recovery.

Set Yourself Up for Success – Diet and Beyond

Your alcohol recovery diet is one of several aspects of your recovery experience. With so much to focus on, you’ll want to create a lifestyle and environment that will only help to support your journey.

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Find a doctor and therapist you like and trust, and only spend time with friends and family who are supportive and encouraging.

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