7 Things You Should Never Do When Fixing Your Plumbing
Small or large issues with plumbing, although frustrating, should never be attempted to be fixed by someone with little to no experience in the field of plumbing. Today, any information you want can be obtained via an online search, but watching is very different from actually doing. Plumbers have gone through years of experience, accompanied by their fair share of mistakes that have allowed them to understand things about plumbing that the novice would simply not know. An issue that may look simple to fix can quickly become instantly more serious and therefore, vastly more expensive.

So, we’ve compiled the top seven things you should never attempt to do when facing plumbing issues. Although this list might not include every single thing you should avoid, they do help you form a better understanding of how truly complicated and fragile plumbing is.
Filling up your Pipes with Chemicals
One of the most common issues with plumbing is the clogging of the pipes. However, before you go pouring in every chemical on the store shelf into your pipes, first understand the potential risk of it. Chemicals are for one very dangerous to handle as the slightest error can cause severe burns on the human skin. Additionally, most plumbing experts have agreed that these harsh chemicals will often hurt the drain pipes rather than help them. You could possibly increase the severity of the problem rather than diminish it. In order to avoid this problem in the first place, avoid throwing things such as hair and other greasy materials down the drain.
This is one of the reasons the guys at Conway Services, a renowned provider of plumbing and HVAC solutions in the Memphis area, would suggest calling an experienced professional when experiencing problems with your drains or pipes. Doing this can go a long way in preventing messes or property damage that could be caused by burst pipes now or in the future.
Never Force Thaw Your Pipes
Frozen pipes are very common within areas that experience harsh winters where temperatures often plummet below zero. This, of course, is a homeowners worst nightmare as they can easily burst if not appropriately handled. Inexperienced homeowners will often want to speed the process and proceed to throw hot water or expose the pipe to a torch. This is a very dangerous thing to do, not only can you burst the pipes and cause serious and costly damage to your home, but you exposing flames to flammable fumes can cause an explosion.
Gas Leaks
Attempting to fix a gas leak is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Not only will you put your life in danger but the lives of everyone on your block, that is how severe a gas leak explosion can be. Therefore, once you detect a gas leak, it is imperative that you evacuate the area immediately and call the proper authorities. It is also proper to mention that any form of gas pipe tampering is illegal in most states and local cities.
Low Water Pressure Issue
That’s another issue you shouldn’t try to fix yourself according to Plumbing Service Canberra Definitive. It is best to consult a professional about the reasons for your low water pressure. This is because when it comes to pipes, literally anything can be the cause, from old rusted plumbing to the city’s water system.
Water Heater Problems
The availability of information on the internet has convinced people that they don’t need to call an expert in to replace plumbing issues. However, watching a few Youtube videos will not be enough to do the job properly. In fact, attempting to do it on your own can cost you way more than if you simply had called in a professional. Additionally, a water heater can be a very dangerous situation to put yourself if you are working with an electric water heater. A gas water heater can, in fact, be even more dangerous as an explosion will no doubt hurt not only you but those around your parameter.
Water Pressure Valve
Homeowners tend to want to test out every aspect of their home, as they should; however, there is a right and a wrong way to do this. One of the most common tests done by a homeowner is the testing of the water pressure valve. The test is done in order to determine the temperature of the water as well as its pressure. This, like many things on this list, can cost you lots of money and be extremely dangerous. The manhandling of your pressure valve can cause the pipes to burst and spread very hot water that can cause burns where the water lands on your body. It is paramount then that you call in a professional that can determine the whereabouts of the right valve and how to test it properly.
Household Machine Hose Replacement
The replacement of a household machine hose such as that from a dishwasher or washer does happen very rarely, every five years to be exact. However, the substitution of this hose should always be taken care of by a professional. Attempting to fix or replace this hose can cause severe flooding within your home along with a very expensive price tag attached to it. In addition to this, repairing the hose without an understanding of the best options should be left to an expert as placing the wrong type of material can cause future pipe rusting.
In conclusion, as stated above, the risks of attempting to fix your own plumbing don’t only contain the risk of accumulating an expensive bill, but potentially harming yourself and innocent bystanders. Next time there’s a plumbing issue within your home, keep it safe and cheap, call a professional plumber to take a look at it.