7 Reasons to Install Electric Baseboard Heaters in Your Home
Are you trying to find an economical solution to cold winters and stubborn drafts?
Instead of cranking up your thermostat (and your energy bill) to warm the entire house, it might be time to try electric baseboard heaters.
Even if you already have a central heating system, implementing electric baseboard heaters can improve the efficiency and thus the cost of your current system.

Read on to learn about all the benefits that come along with this handy appliance.
1. Heat A Specific Room
Do you have a room in your house that’s notoriously cold? Maybe you like to sleep with the temperature at 70 degrees, but your daughter, whose room is across the house, is more comfortable sleeping at 75 degrees. Or, maybe you need to get some work done in the garage, but it’s just too dang cold.
Whatever the reason may be, electric baseboard heaters can heat a specific room without having to crank up the heat in the rest of the house.
2. Heat A Specific Area
Electric baseboard can also heat a specific area of a room as well. Maybe you have a cozy, reading chair by the window in the living room, but the window lets in a draft. A small, electric baseboard under the window will allow you to heat that area of the room when you’re about to snuggle up with a good book.
3. Easy Installation
There’s a rather easy installation process for electric baseboard heaters as there’s little ductwork required. Because of this, electric baseboard heaters are a great addition to older homes or a room addition.
4. Simple Upkeep
You’ll hardly ever have to spend time tending to your electric baseboard heaters as they don’t have any moving parts. All you have to do is wipe off the dust and lint from the grill every so often.
5. Economical
Some say electric baseboard heaters are expensive to run because they use a lot of electricity. However, they actually conserve energy as the appliance implements convection-powered cycles.
This means that electric baseboard heaters will heat your room until it’s at your desired temperature. Then, it’ll shut itself off to save energy until the temperature drops again. Another perk of convection-powered cycles is that you never have to worry about your electric baseboard heaters overheating.
6. You Won’t Even Know They’re There
Not only are they hardly noticeable, but you won’t have to get used to electric baseboard heaters in terms of noise either. These tools do their job and they do so quietly because they don’t have any fans. In fact, they might even be quieter than your home heating system.
Because of this, electric baseboard heaters are often used in quiet environments such as classrooms and conference rooms where fans would be disruptive.
7. Don’t Take Up Space
Electric baseboard heaters are located, well, where a baseboard would be. They are often mounted to the wall under windows where they are most efficient and also out of the way. That way, you won’t have to worry about clunky heaters taking up precious storage or decoration space.
Electric Baseboard Heaters
All in all, if saving money while keeping your house warm and toasty sounds like something you’re interested in, it’s time to invest in some electric baseboard heaters. And, with quick installation processes, you can be snug as a bug in no time.
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