The Hidden Connection between Altruism and Happiness – You’d be Surprised

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Ask anyone about their happiest moments as children, and they’ll likely talk about receiving gifts at special occasions, Holidays, and birthdays and the ultimate joy of opening a lovely present. As you grow older, you’ll learn about the hidden connection between doing little things for the people you love and being happy at the delight you bring them. Should you talk to the pastors of Grace Church Houston, they will reveal how the secret to your happiness is in the small acts of kindness and the simple gifts you give to the people who are less fortunate.


Spending on Others Makes You Happier

When you help friends and family or even, complete strangers by buying things for them, you’ll be happier than if you spent that money on you. Check out the results of a study published on The Guardian that reveal how having a good income is no doubt satisfying and buys you security and the pleasure of owning nice things. But contributing to a noble cause and giving to charity is the hidden connection that can make you even happier. Researchers interviewed 16 employees from a company who had received a bonus about 6 to 8 weeks before. On being asked what they did with the money and their satisfaction levels, the workers who had used some of the money to help others found that they were actually happier than the people who used the money for self-gratification.

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Michael Norton is a professor at Harvard Business School. He says, “Most people would think that if you make more money you are going to be a lot happier.” He goes on to add, “Our results, and a lot of other people’s results, show that making more money makes you a little bit happier, but doesn’t really have a huge impact on you. Our studies suggest maybe that little changes in how you spend it make a difference.”

Altruism is About Kind Acts

Often times, even if you cannot donate money, it is still possible to make a difference in people’s lives. Try performing small, unexpected acts to make life easier for others and you’ll find the hidden connection with happiness. Look around and you’ll find lots of opportunities to make that happen. Help a sick neighbor by bringing food and medicines or shop for a senior member of your community. Rescue a hurt animal or buy coffee anonymously for a stranger. Use coupons to buy supplies in bulk and donate what you can’t use to the homeless shelter. Sometimes, sparing a few minutes to help a stranger carry groceries to the car can also be enough to help you make your day.

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Like this paper published on the University of Pennsylvania website reveals, every small gesture of kindness makes you feel content and happy. You’ll walk away with a smile on your lips even if the recipient is completely unaware of the generosity that you, an unknown person showed.

Altruism Teaches You to Disregard Self-Gratification

It is inherent human nature to put you and your needs before anyone else’s. But, when you’re able to rise above these instincts and give of yourself for the sake of another’s needs, that’s how you find the hidden connection to happiness. Altruism is about denying basal human tendencies and replacing them with care and kindness. The time you spend buying grocery for a sick cousin can also be used to catch a movie, get a date, or watch the game with old friends. But, delaying these fun activities to do good may actually bring you more happiness.

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Check out this feature on Psychology Today that shows you how displaying compassion to another person triggers the rewards center of your brain. Children are more empathic that adults and they will readily drop everything to go comfort a friend they see is sad or upset. Maybe, it’s time to bring back that piece of your childhood which being a grownup seems to take away.

Altruism Gives You a Sense of Belonging

Humans are social creatures and need to feel a sense of belonging as the hidden connection to happiness. A study conducted at Pew Research shows how close to 40% of Americans now belong to some religious or devotional group. Even if you’re not particularly a spiritual person, you can spend time doing good through the organization. Find a cause that touches a cord within you and sign up as a member.

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Most such communities undertake altruistic projects where they reach out to needy members. Or, they may have fundraisers and similar events where they collect funds for a good cause that benefits the entire community. Discover the joys of reaching out to others and enrich your life as you go along. You’ll reward your psyche with the satisfaction of being able to make the world a better place and that is so much better than splurging on a new pair of shoes.

Altruism is About Kind Words

Surprisingly, when you’re looking for the hidden connection to happiness, you don’t need to look far. Start with kind words in your home. No matter how tired and stressed you are, take a deep breath and use soft, gentle tones when talking to your kids or family members. It’s okay to tell your spouse that you’re too tired and having a bad day. A kind word has the effect of calming you down and feeling so much better instantly. Tell your little girl that Mommy’s upset and she will surround you with a hug erasing the cares of the world.

Life has lots of challenges but finding that elusive key to being happy is not really that difficult. The secret here is to think about making life better for the people in and out of your home. Strive to do good for people, animals, the planet, or anyone else and you’ll find that your life is all the more enriched for it. That’s the hidden connection to happiness. Try it today!

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