4 Tips to Planning Your Rose Garden

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1.Type of roses to plant

Before starting a rose garden, it is very important to determine what type of roses you want to plant. Roses come in different types and colors, so you need to determine beforehand the purpose of the product you will get from your garden. Roses come in different species; some are more resistant to harsh weather conditions while some hybrid types require a little bit more attention to grow and survive. Roses also vary in terms of the fragrances they emit; some have super fragrances while some tend to be scentless. Some roses also grow really tall and climb on nearby structures while others tend to be a bit more miniature in size. Different species also have different resistance levels to pests and diseases, so you need to do quite a lot of research before you decide on what type of roses to plant.

rose garden

2. Location to plant

As expected, you cannot start a garden without first identifying the place where you want it to stand. Well, the good news is that roses can grow virtually anywhere, as long as there is fertile soil and they are able to get the essentials for their growth. Roses can be grown on their own in their own flower garden or even integrated into a garden already planted into.

rose garden

You can add them to a vegetable garden or just integrate them with other landscape plants in your compound. You can also grow them in containers which can be used for exterior decoration of the house. Regardless of where you choose to plant your rose flowers, just ensure that they have access to plenty of sunlight and free-flowing air so that they can grow healthy. Ensure, however, that you provide shade to the flowers in times of intense heat to prevent withering. For best aeration, give plenty of space between the stems to ensure that they grow healthy and disease free.

rose garden

3. Watering

You cannot have a rose garden tips list without watering tips. In order for your rose flowers to grow healthy with fresh plump petals and thick and strong stems, you need to water them frequently. Water them deeply so that the roots can grow deep and strong, ensuring durability even in drought. Water as often as possible, thoroughly but not excessively to sogginess. Add mulch over the soil to maintain soil moisture even when the weather is hot and dry. Ensure you water the flowers early in the day at soil level since many rose diseases rely on water droplets to be spread.

rose garden

4. Pest and disease control

As mentioned in the previous point, many rose diseases are spread through water. To provide this, water the plants early to ensure that the petals and stems are dried early by the sun and wind. In case diseases like black spot appear, get appropriate fungicides to control the disease and to prevent it from spreading. In regards to pests, get trusted pesticides to control the pests and keep the petals and blossoms healthy and undamaged. For bigger pests like birds and butterflies, you may cover the rose garden to keep them away. Use a cover that allows sunlight and air to get in freely while keeping the pests away, like a mesh cover.

rose garden

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