4 Essential Gardening Tips For Beginners

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Gardening can be an extremely fun and rewarding hobby for people of all ages. Its is so satisfying to see the seeds that you have nurtured grow into beautiful plants. In addition, your plants and flowers from your gardening efforts can be a great way to add life and character to your house.


For example, an outside garden can be a great way to make your home seem alive or to add value to houses for sale or anywhere else. However, gardening is not easy and doing it correctly takes a lot of time and effort. Beginners often struggle, as they typically don’t know the basics or how to properly take care of their plants. Thankfully, there are some tips out there that can greatly help your gardening efforts. Here are four essential gardening tips that all beginners should know.


Keep Track of Results

It is very important to keep track of what goes on with your garden and its plants. For example, you may want to write down when you water your plants or when you fertilized them last. In addition, you may want to keep track of how different plants react to different fertilizers and other products. Keeping track of results will allow you to keep your garden organized, and will also allow you to see what works best with you and your plants.


Know Your Soil

One of the most common mistakes beginner gardeners make is not understanding the soil that they are using. Different soils have different pH levels and are better suited for growing different kinds of plants. Some plants grow much better in slightly more acidic soil while others grow much better in slightly more alkaline soils. A simple pH test can greatly help in deciding what types of plants should be planted in different types of soils. Matching the correct soils and plants can help your gardening efforts greatly, while choosing the wrong soils for your plants can be a great detriment to your plants’ growth.


Know When To Water

As you should know by now, plants require a consistent source of water in order to survive. Studies show that you should be watering your plants at least once or twice a day. Try to create a schedule so you can water your plants at set times throughout the day. In addition, make sure that when you water your plants you give them the right amount. If you give them too little then they will be unable to soak up all of the nutrients they require, however drenching your plants in fluids can be just as harmful. You can get a hose nozzle by Gilmour that will help you to adjust the water flowing out of the hose. You don’t need to go overboard with watering your plants, but make sure that they get more than just a few drops.


Be Patient

One of the most important virtues a beginner gardener can learn is patience. The simple fact is that most plants can take quite a while to grow. The average plant takes months to grow, while some can take over a year. There is no magic button you can press to make them grow overnight.


Some beginner gardeners might not be willing to wait the long amounts of time or may become frustrated with the lack of immediate results. These impatient gardeners might become discouraged and even abandon their plants. It is important to remember that gardening can take quite a while, but when your plants are fully grown and gorgeous you will realize that all your hard work and effort has been worth it!  


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