Black Houses: The Pros and Cons of a Dark Painted Façade

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Black is not the first color that most people think of when looking to paint or add cladding to their home. But, it is a viable option and can add a real drama to the house. You will be making a huge visual impact and statement, it’s important to consider if this is something you want to do and if you’re ready to deal with the many questions you’ll get.

You can choose to paint your home or get a firm specializing in facade engineering to cover the entire building. This will be especially important if you are trying to maintain a specific style, perhaps gothic?

black house

The Benefits

Black is actually the perfect accompaniment to the green of your garden. Black actually naturally recedes from your mind, drawing attention to the surroundings; in this case the lush green garden and flowers. In effect, the house will be hiding.

You can try it on a small scale by painting a fence black.

In fact, you can make a startling statement by painting your window frames and doors a vivid color, such as yellow. They will literally pop out of the blackness of the house, creating the illusion of no walls.

black house

It is also worth noting that black attracts the heat of the sun. This will help your home to stay warm throughout the winter months, even when there is little sun outside.

Of course, this can also be seen as negative in the summer when you don’t want to attract more warmth to your home.

Finally, there have been several periods in history where black became a traditional color to paint your home. Check out the black and white houses of Singapore, or the traditional black house of the Scottish highlands. Using black can help your home fit into a specific theme.

black house


Unfortunately, the sun causes colors to fade, this is especially true if you use black. It happens as the paint heats and then cools, expending color in the process. It is highly likely that your black house will look gray within a year and if you haven’t prepared the surface properly you’re going to see the paint blistering as well as peeling off.

In addition, black is not a good wall covering if you have imperfect walls. Every blemish will be highlighted, potentially making a nice house look shabby.

black house

Of course, this can also work in reverse, the black can highlight textures and special features on your property. In short, it can actually improve focus on the architecture of a building.

You can’t talk about black houses without commenting on the color black. It’s been associated with witches, Halloween and other sinister acts for thousands of years. Coating your house in black will suggest there is mischief afoot; this could alarm the neighbors and you’ll need to be prepared for this.

If you really want a black house but are in a built-up area, you may wish to consider a gray instead, it offers most of the benefits without the cons.


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