5 Ways to Revamp Your Windows

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If you have been thinking of ways to make your house look like it is straight out of HGTV, your windows might be your next project.

The windows of a house are often the first thing that people notice. Many houses are lauded for large, elegant windows, which not only look aesthetically pleasing but can boost curb appeal. However, if the ones in your home haven’t had a facelift in a while, they could be what is holding your house back from reaching its full potential.


Windows are one the of most important features of a home, so it is crucial to make them look fantastic. Here are five easy ways to revamp your house’s windows!

  1. Replace them Entirely

The first option is also the most drastic. Some windows are simply past the point of no return.

Sometimes, there is nothing else that you can do but to get new ones. Old windows especially can fall apart over time, and the draftiness coming through the cracks makes them inefficient for home energy use. If the ones in your home are broken, scratched, or letting in air in any way, replacement is your best option.


There are many options for replacement uPVC windows that will let in light while remaining secure and energy-efficient. Replacement is a great way to make sure that the windows that you have are the ones that you specifically chose and desire.

  1. Check the Positioning and Framing

With some windows, especially in older homes, there can be issues with the way that they are sitting in their frames. Slanting or warping around the frame can cause your window to look unappealing, and it can also raise your electric bill.

If they are slanted or have gaps in between the frames and the glass, you may need to have a professional come in and take a look. They might recommend a simple re-positioning or an overhaul.  

On the bright side, with newly adjusted framing, your home will bring in more light and look better both from the inside and the outside.

window in bathroom

  1. Repaint

You would be surprised what a fresh coat of paint can do for a seemingly worn-down window frame. Many DIY sites will show great ideas for different colors for window frames and even include helpful tips on the best way to paint.

Be sure to choose a paint color that both suits the rest of your house and is pleasing to you. And remember, it’s not just the inside but the outside frames that can be revitalized with a fresh coat!

painted window

  1. Add New Blinds or Curtains

A lot of times, the problem with your windows is actually a problem with the old, worn down curtains that surround them.


Nothing will make your home look more stylish than getting a new set of curtains that match with the rest of the home decor. Heavy curtains are ideal for the winter months, providing insulation and a sense of cosiness. In the summer months, lighter and airier curtains are better for allowing ventilation. 

An alternative option to curtains in blinds. Using blinds can make a room feel more spacious, because they don’t take up as much room as curtains. There are various different styles of blinds that you can explore at sites like www.halfpriceblinds.com.au/.  Make sure that you measure your windows first to get the right size!

  1. Get Them Cleaned

Whether your windows need a professional deep cleaning and pressure-washed window frames or just a simple wipe down with Windex, cleaning makes them shine like new.

If you feel that your windows are holding your home back from looking its best, use these simple fixes to completely transform their outdated look. Whether your windows just need a little bit of tender love and care or to be completely replaced by a newer option, your house is bound to look better with these tips.

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