A Guide to Controlling Light in the Home

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We are one with the natural world, no matter how advanced our technology gets or how distant we might feel from it living in a city. We sleep better in total darkness, live better when we adhere to the natural ebb and flow of the light, and of course, feel happiest during summer when the days are at their longest. We need light for our wellbeing and our health, and if your home doesn’t let enough light in or perhaps it allows too much light in, then you need to follow this guide to control it for a more harmonious experience.

bright home

How to Add More Light

Adding more light is an absolute must for the sake of your health and happiness. Humans are tied to the light. We are at our most active during daylight hours, and our bodies are naturally inclined to sleep during the night, despite what modern living has done to our sleep cycles. To brighten your home, you will need to:

bright home

Use Light Colors

One of the ways to improve the amount of light is to use light or neutral colors in your design scheme. Light bounces off light colors and gets absorbed by darker colors, so to increase the amount of light in your home, you will need to brighten up your décor.

bright decor
ig source : @ mademoisellepoirot

The Power of Well-Placed Mirrors

Mirrors, of course, are experts at reflecting light, and a few well-placed mirrors that are set either across or perpendicular to your windows can reflect light into your room. Do be aware, however, that these mirrors work best when you don’t get direct sunlight in that room.


Tips for Curtains

Decorative curtains should be placed to the side of the window, to allow more light in without obstruction. The same applies to any furniture that might be blocking your window.  

decorative curtains

How to Reduce Light

In order to really get that good night’s sleep, however, you also need to be able to darken your bedrooms. Moonlight wanes, but that artificial streetlight outside of your window will only interrupt your sleeping and make it difficult to get a good night’s rest. To reduce the light in your home, you will want to:

reduce light

Get Blackout Blinds

There are a variety of blinds available on Spring Blinds that can provide you with the style you need as well as the blackout and even energy-saving capabilities made possible through modern innovation. Get a good night’s sleep at night, and then with a push of a button let the natural light in during the day. It’s the ideal situation for most individuals.

blackout blinds

Use Dark Colors

If you have one room that has windows on all sides and is generally a very bright place, you can make it cozier by introducing dark colors. Use decorative pieces, or opt for dark furniture sets to balance out the room.

dark walls

Light is one of the most important design elements in any home. Either add light or subtract it with these tips so that you can enjoy a great home, starting today.

dark walls

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