How to Keep Your Entire Home Sparkling Clean All Year Round

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A nice, deep, thorough cleaning of your home isn’t limited to spring. Monthly deep cleans are also a great way to keep your home pristine and sparkling at all times of the year. After all, family gatherings happen in the home a lot over winter holidays, so why wait until spring to show off your best side? Here are some tips on the best way to keep that new home glow lasting all year, inside and out.

home sparkling clean

Consistency is Your Friend

Certain cleaning tasks, like vacuuming and dusting, should be kept on a consistent rotation. This almost goes without saying, but is still a good starting point. There may be rooms of the home that aren’t used as often, like a guest room or formal dining area. Just because these places might warrant special use doesn’t mean consistent vacuuming and dusting should be discounted.

home clean

Learn Some Cleaning Tips

There are endless sources of advice and options to help make cleaning less of a chore and more of a rewarding experience. Try some of these neat cleaning tips and tricks:

  • Clean blinds with a sock dipped in a mixture of vinegar and water
  • Vacuum your mattress
  • Use a lint roller to remove dust from lampshades
  • Scrub cabinets instead of wiping them down to get rid of fingerprints and food stains
  • Use a coffee filter to clean your computer and TV screens
  • Clean windows using a squeegee instead of a paper towel to avoid streaks
  • Start top to bottom (don’t dust the coffee table and then the ceiling fan, or else the fan dust has just replaced the table dust)

home sparkling clean

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Throughout the deep clean process, you’ll probably waltz down memory lane and discover plenty of items you thought were long gone. Start a donation pile and really sort through what you own. Also plan a garage sale or sell through online sources. Clutter is a huge part of a home’s aesthetic and can make the space feel messy, even if it is sparkling clean.

home sparkling clean

Give Your House a Bath

Yes, you read that right. Keeping the home clean inside doesn’t help if the outside isn’t so inviting. A home needs a bath, also known as a deep clean power washing. A power wash removes layers of grime and dirt that have made the outside of a home appear run down and drab.

Often times a power wash brings new life to the home, even more than a fresh coat of paint. Power washers are rather expensive and can be draining to use, so consider outsourcing to an expert. Pressure washers can also be used on driveways, decks, and other outdoor features. Power washing does more than a regular hose wash would do and the power of a pressure wash can be seen through testimonials on  

home sparkling clean

Develop a Plan

There are many parts to a home and nooks and crannies not to be overlooked. Enter the deep cleaning process with a clear plan and system. Are you rotating through rooms? Tackling a new project over the span of a few months? What about general tidying in other areas of the home?

home sparkling clean

A plan helps develop a schedule and lends itself to the creation of an efficient cleaning system. You can also time projects to the time of year. For example, you don’t want to pressure wash the outside in the dead of winter. That’s a project for the summer months.

Make it Fun and Rewarding

Rewarding here means quite literally. Treat yourself for completing those dreaded chores, tackling the overcrowded basement, or facing your fears of a ghost in the attic.

home sparkling clean

Cleaning can also be fun! Play some music, dance around, and enjoy being in your home. Cleaning can also be done while working out! Do some lunges as you mop, squat while you dust, or even wear ankle weights while you vacuum. All of these help in fitness and in cleaning! Having fun while cleaning makes it more enjoyable and you’ll actually want to work hard at keeping your home sparkling year-round.

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