Commercial Refrigeration

Using a Commercial Refrigeration at Home

If you’re considering adding kitchen elements that are functional and sleek, you might want to consider commercial refrigeration. Some homeowners prefer the stainless steel, modern appearance that commercial refrigeration equipment offers in their kitchen and other recreational spaces. While they can make great aesthetically pleasing pieces, you should be aware of all the benefits and…

engineering marvels in America

Engineering Marvels in America: How Their Interior Design Has Changed Over the Years

From government buildings in Washington to iconic landmarks in cities like New York, we could say without doubt that we can find countless engineering marvels in America. Today, we’ll explore how custodians of a few such engineering marvels have managed to update their interior designs while maintaining respect for tradition and heritage. Be sure to…

Hybrid Flooring

Hybrid Flooring – The Latest Engineering in Timber Look Flooring

Designing your home with the right flooring can take some time; there are a lot of aspects that you’d want to consider when you’re about to change your entire floor plan. Depending on how many rooms you’re willing to install with engineered flooring and your budget, you’d see later that it was a great investment…

Combine travel with work

Freelance Freedom – 4 Amazing Ways To Combine Travel With Work

We are living in an era of unprecedented connectivity. This means now, it’s feasible to take charge of your working life and ensure you’re capitalizing on the “free” part of freelancing. Combine travel with work is now, easier than ever. With WiFi, cloud storage, and collaborative software at our fingertips, deadlines can be crushed from…