Moving to the Suburbs: What to Consider

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If you’re considering moving from the city to the suburbs, there are a few things you will need to consider. From your commute to your cost of living, several factors can make or break your suburban experience. This blog post will discuss some things you should consider before making the big move.

Commute and Travel Costs

One of the most significant factors to consider when moving to the suburbs is your commute. If you’re used to a short, convenient commute, you may spend hours in the car every day if you move further away from the city. Not only is this time-consuming, but it can also be costly in terms of gas, car maintenance, car insurance, and other travel expenses. So if you are considering a move to the suburbs, be sure to factor in your commute and travel costs so you can budget accordingly.

Cost of Living

Another thing to consider when moving to the suburbs is the cost of living. In general, suburban areas are more expensive than urban areas. This is due to several factors, including access to amenities, schools, more significant living environments, and hospitals. That being said, there are often ways to offset the increased cost of living in the suburbs. For example, many people who move to the suburbs find that they save money on transportation costs because they no longer need to use public transportation or pay for parking in the city. 


When you live in the city, you’re typically never more than a few blocks away from any given amenity—groceries, restaurants, bars, parks, etc. However, this isn’t always the case in the suburbs. You may drive several miles in some suburban areas to get necessities. So, if you like having everything at your fingertips, this may take some time to get used to. Suburban life may not be for you. But, on the other hand, if you don’t mind driving a bit further for groceries or going out to eat every once in a while, this probably won’t be an issue for you either. 

Your Family Life

If you have a family, your move to the suburbs will likely be dictated by your family’s needs. For example, you may want to move to the suburbs so your children can attend better schools or so you can have more space for them to play. Alternatively, you may want to stay in the city so your kids can be close to their grandparents or so you can be close to your job. Ultimately, whether or not to move to the suburbs should be a family decision—not just yours.

There’s a lot to consider before making the move from the city to the suburbs. From your commute to the cost of living expenses, several factors can impact your decision. However, if you take the time to research and figure out what’s important to you, we’re confident that you’ll be able to make an informed decision on what is best for you and your family!

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