5 Home Remedies for Cleaning Dirty Carpets

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Carpets always add warmth and coziness to the space and look great especially if you hired a professional carpet fitter to install them. However, after some time they can lose their attractiveness because of dust and dirt. Today on the blog several easy and practical tips on how to maintain your carpets clean.

If your carpets are looking a little dirty there are many ways in which you can have your carpet looking good as new without having to fork out for a professional clean. Many of the household cleaning products that you’ve already got in your utility cupboard will also be ideal for cleaning your carpet, so if you’re searching for a home remedy for your dirty carpets, chances are you already have it.

cleaning dirty carpets


Before you begin to clean your carpet, it’s important that you thoroughly vacuum it first, in order to get rid of any excess dirt and debris on the carpet and therefore making it easier to clean. For some home remedies, you may have to vacuum the carpet both before and after you’ve applied the cleaning product.

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Baking Soda

Known for its properties to whiten teeth as well as a great addition to cakes and other baked products, baking soda is a natural cleaning substance that will give great results when used on your dirty carpet. You can clean your carpet using baking soda by simply sprinkling it over the vacuumed carpet, leaving for a few hours, and re-vacuuming the carpet.


To clean your carpet with ammonia, first mix one quarter of a cup of ammonia and a cup of warm water, and place into a spray bottle. Spray your carpet with the solution and blot the stained areas. Repeat as many times as necessary.

White Vinegar

As with ammonia, mix a quarter of a cup white vinegar and a cup of warm water to make a solution that’s suitable for cleaning a dirty carpet. It’s also possible to substitute white vinegar for white wine, which will be just as effective in cleaning a dirty, stained carpet. White wine is also an excellent substance to use for removing stubborn red wine stains on carpets.

Dish Detergent

Although you may not realize that the detergent you normally wash dirty plates with is also great for cleaning carpets, it can be a really cheap and convenient product to use for removing stains and restoring your dirty carpets to their former state. Mix as you would the ammonia and white vinegar substances, and spray onto your carpet or onto a white cloth to blot out stains.

Club Soda

If the stains on your carpet are water-soluble, club soda can be an excellent method of cleaning. Simply spray the club soda onto the stained area, or wet a clean white cloth with the solution in order to blot the stain.

carpet cleaner

It’s always a good idea to test a small patch of the carpet before you begin any of these cleaning methods, to ensure that they won’t have an adverse effect on the type of carpet that you have. Although it’s highly unlikely, you should always choose a small patch of carpet that can be covered – e.g. under your sofa, to make sure your product of choice has the desired effect.


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