
How To Transition Your Outdoor Space For Winter

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Homeowners need to prepare for their outdoor space as the winter season is just around the corner. Winterizing your exteriors would mean more savings and fewer troubles because you can save some furniture or other components outdoors from getting damaged due to the extreme cold weather. You’ll have to assess and check which ones should be kept and which must be prepped for the ice and snow.

Planning can gain you an advantage so you can sort out your tasks better. Some chores could take some time, so it’s wise to list them all down. In this way, you won’t be able to miss out on anything and regret them later on. However, simply thinking about these chores might be taking a toll on you already.

Stay calm and read along with this guide, and you can transition your outdoor space for winter in more straightforward and doable ways. 

Snow covered chairs in garden

1. Prepare All Your Patio Furniture 

Before you set aside the furniture that needs to be removed and stored for the entire winter, check out all your sofa chairs and furniture first. Assess their materials to know if they’re built like the Neighbor’s outdoor sofa, which can last outdoors throughout the cold season. Take note of purchasing similar patio furniture so you won’t have to worry about protecting them when winter is coming.

As you finally understand which needs to be kept and hidden, you must first clean this furniture before storing them inside. Perform a quick wash and place them under the sun to dry. When they’re ready for storing, bundle this furniture up in sealed-tight storage bags or tarps. You can put them under the shed or keep them in your garage.

If you intend to winterize some furniture, you can do so by performing DIY winter prep steps. For instance, you can purchase a protective waterproof sealant to be applied to wooden furniture. Or paint some rust-resistant primer to your steel or iron furniture. As for fabric material cushions and furniture, make sure to invest in Scotch guards to keep them waterproof and stainproof. Doing all these efforts would ensure that your furniture can withstand the cold season. However, it’s not a complete guarantee as these coatings can be washed away or faded over time.

2. Check And Repair Your Gutters 

Make sure your gutters are in good shape by late fall. Having your gutters cleaned before winter can prevent basement flooding caused by clogged gutters. Get on the roof with a ladder and scoop away all the debris, fallen leaves, and other particles accumulated on them. Once you’re done cleaning, flush out the gutters with a hose. This ensures that the gutters are all clear from dust and debris. At the same time, you can also check if some parts of it have holes or leaks. Keep note of these leaks and ensure to seal them out or have them repaired by gutter experts. You can also consider installing gutter guards as they come with lots of benefits.

Your gutters can be easily patched by yourself. However, you need to purchase some necessary stuff like a metal flashing, steel wool, putty knife, and gutter patch. Check the hole first and scrub the surface using the steel wool. Using the putty knife, you can cover the leak with metal flashing or the gutter patch. Make sure that the adhesive works well enough to seal or protect everything. Have them completely dried up, and check again by flushing the gutters with water to ensure no more holes.

worker installing house roof gutter

3. Clean Your Patio Or Deck 

Keep your deck or patio in good condition too. While you may typically sweep the floors every once in a while, the season’s changing requires more intensive cleaning. Blowing leaves and pine needles with a broom is the best way to remove debris. 

You can check if there are some molds and mildew on surfaces. You can use some cleaning solution to remove them effectively. However, you can always go for a power washing method or other best cleaners for your outdoor deck for better results. Remove all accumulated dirt from patios, decks, and walkways by scrubbing them down. You can either do this chore by yourself or hire professionals to do it for you.

4. Don’t Forget The Barbecue Grill

Before winter sets in, many people forget to clean their grills thoroughly. Failure to do so will break or damage your grill over time, and you might need to purchase a new one when spring comes. Remove the old coals and ash from your charcoal grill. Rinse it thoroughly with a hose after scrubbing it with a degreasing agent. You can also soak some grilling parts that have accumulated thicker charcoal. Water can soften them up, and you can clean them easier later.


Today, you can find a wide variety of outdoor furniture and other winter-specific items. You can invest in them if you don’t want to go through all the necessary winterizing your outdoors. Otherwise, you can simply follow the steps mentioned in this article, so your outdoor space can retain looking fresh and chic even in the winter season.

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