Five Decorative Ideas To Reuse Wrapping Paper

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With the illusion of opening the packages that Santa have left us, we tear and wrinkle all that wrapping paper, and it is a shame because, if we treat it with a bit more care, it could be used for many DIY projects.

Five Decorative Ideas To Reuse Wrapping Paper

Depending on the type of paper and the drawings and designs it has, it will serve to cover in a more functional or more decorative way, and we can use it for various crafts. Maybe not all the paper from this last days can be recycled, but it would be nice if we try at least some of it.

Wrapping Other Gifts

At least if we remove the paper from our packages carefully, we can use part of that paper to wrap other gifts later, on other dates. We can use it as it is, or use cutouts to decorate boxes and plain bags, for example.

Wrapping Other Gifts

Line To Protect And Restore

Many of us have lined objects such as books or notebooks with wrapping paper, the fact of covering with paper can have several functions, the wrapping paper can be useful even in restoration tasks of furniture or auxiliary accessories that we want to give a new use to.

Line To Decorate

We can also cover with wrapping paper simply because it is beautiful and we like to see it and decorate with it, in the image we see for example how the wrapping paper simulates being the wallpaper on the walls of a dollhouse and is an adorable project.

Line To Decorate

Collages, Mosaics, Art Prints …

The most creative can use the wrapping paper to make pictures, with their cutouts they can make collages and mosaics that are then framed and used to decorate the wall of the house. The same wrapping paper cutouts can also be useful in scrapbooking projects …

Collages, Mosaics, Art Prints …

Small Custom Details

In general, we can do with paper everything that occurs to our imagination, mainly simple projects that lead us to create simple origami figures or practical accessories such as bookmarks that help us in our day to day, make us have a fun time while they we create and allow us to be respectful with our planet by reducing the production of waste.

Wrapping Paper Small Custom Details

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