Choosing the Right Sunscreen Product for You

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We all universally understand and agree that it’s important to wear sunscreen, right? And not just at the beach or the lake, either – it’s important to wear sunscreen every single day, year round, and especially on the face! 1 in 5 Americans will get skin cancer before the age of 70, and even if you manage to forego the serious health implications, sun damage can also result in premature aging, weathered skin, dark spots, discoloration and many other pesky skin issues, some of which are very hard, if not impossible, to reverse. 


Photo Credit: Taryn Elliott

Thankfully, most people understand this and in recent years more and more people have begun adding sunscreen to their daily routine. With so many products out there, including cosmetics, lotions, moisturizers and more, with built-in sunscreen, it’s easier than ever to protect your face from those harmful UVA and UVB rays with a great SPF product. 

But if you’re looking for the perfect product for you and just can’t seem to find the right one, it can be frustrating. You want something that doesn’t feel heavy or greasy on the skin, smells good, protects your skin the way it should and doesn’t break the bank. That’s a tall order, but with so many different brands and products out there, you can find the perfect sunblock for you. It’s just a matter of knowing what it is you need!

Below, we’ve outlined a few things to consider when choosing the best sunscreen for you. 


SPF is very important when choosing a sunscreen. Most experts recommend that you use at least an SPF 50 product for your main sunscreen; anything less isn’t likely to protect you as well as you need. Higher SPFs do exist, even up to SPF 100, but most experts agree that the higher the number doesn’t necessarily mean the higher the protection. Rather, it’s all about how often and thoroughly you apply the sunscreen. 

If you’re really concerned about sun protection, it certainly can’t do you any harm to buy that SPF 100. So long as you don’t go below SPF 50 for body sunscreen, you should be okay. Bearing to mind that any situation involving tons of prolonged, heavy sun exposure is a danger, even if you’re wearing a high SPF. Lower SPFs should stay relegated to things like lip balms and other products that aren’t applied often or are applied to areas that don’t get a ton of sun exposure. 


Some people hate that coconutty, tell-tale sunscreen smell. It reminds them of old-school tanning lotion and they just can’t abide it. Others love that signature scent, and look for products that contain it. 

Every person is different, and luckily there are tons of products on the market that reflect customers’ tastes. Whether you love a sweet smelling or fresh smelling sunblock, or prefer something totally fragrance free (many people have fragrance triggers or are allergic to strong scents), you’ll be able to find a great product.

Gorgeous smelling sunscreens include Supergoop, Coola, and everyone’s favorite, Hawaiian Tropic. 

Fragrance-free sunscreen products can be found in brands such as Neutrogena, Coppertone, and even Target’s house brand. 

Sprays, Lotions, etc

It used to be that sunblock pretty much only came in one form: greasy, gloppy lotion that you smeared on and tried to run in as best you could. Everybody had a permanent white, chalky sheen on their skin from where it didn’t blend in totally. 

Believe it or not, plenty of folks still prefer sunscreen lotions, and why not? They’re easy to apply (even if not as easy to blend), and are generally pretty affordable and no-fuss. But for those who can’t stand those greasy lotions, there are other types of sunscreen out there. 

Spray sunscreens are very popular these days as they go on totally clear and are super easy to apply. While some spray sunscreens can be sticky and often have a stronger smell, many people prefer them, as they’re much quicker and are invisible. They often tend to be more waterproof so less need to apply as often. 

Balm, roll-on and stick sunscreens are also becoming popular. You apply these as you would deodorant; just swipe all over skin for sun protection. These are a bit more time consuming but many people prefer them. 

Lots of folks are also using cosmetics with built in SPF protection for their daily skincare routine. BB creams, foundations, lip balms and glosses, moisturizers and even pressed powders are starting to contain sun protection, which is certainly more convenient for those whose daily routine is already busy. Plus you’ll save money with these dual products! Using a daily BB cream or foundation with built in sunscreen is a great way to protect your face from the elements every single day by just putting on your makeup. Brands that have suncare makeup lines can be found pretty much everywhere, even your local retail outlet. 


There are some beach-goers who aren’t fond of all the chemicals and unnatural ingredients in sunscreen. While those are valid concerns, going without sun protection simply should not be an option. For those who want a more natural approach, there are quite a few natural and organic sunscreen products on the market. These non-toxic formulas will protect your skin without exposing you to chemicals and fragrances that you don’t want on your body. 

However, it is important to understand that not all natural body products are created equal. Many all natural and non-toxic sunscreens just contain herbal and mineral formulas that, while good for the skin, aren’t going to create a barrier for the UVA and UVB rays. In short, they aren’t going to give you any real protection. Home-made and DIY sunscreens are especially bad about this. While there are some studies that show that natural ingredients like coconut oil can offer some sun protection, it isn’t enough to prevent sunburns or skin cancer. 

When choosing an all natural sunscreen, make sure it has an SPF of at least 50, and make sure the active ingredients are going to actually protect you from the sun. Otherwise you’re just wasting your money and putting yourself at risk. 


All of us, no matter how diligently we apply our sunscreen, wear wide brimmed hats and glasses and try to avoid those dangerous UVA and UVB rays, are inevitably going to get a sunburn from time to time. Don’t panic. It happens to us all. 

Investing in sun aftercare products is a good idea for this reason. We’ve all seen those huge bottles of sun aftercare gel that looks like hand sanitizer or neon blue hair gel. Turns out that stuff is really great. And these days, there’s lots of similar products on the market that are sweet smelling, all natural and will soothe the harshest of burns. 

While you can’t reverse the adverse effects of too much sun, you can alleviate your pain and discomfort and heal the burn faster with burn/sun aftercare products that contain soothing, all-natural aloe and pain relievers such as lidocaine. Generally, these products are very affordable and last you forever, so there’s no reason not to buy some. 

Purchasing great sunscreen and skincare doesn’t have to be expensive, and you can find products to suit any preference and need, if you just take the time to look! Protect your skin at all costs with an affordable and easy skincare routine, including sunscreen, every single day. Your skin will thank you for it.

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