Six Disadvantages of Using Hot Water for Shower
Using hot water for shower feels great on the body, but you may be wondering about some disadvantages of using hot water. Warm water feels refreshing on the body in the morning, and it relaxes you in the evening, but you have some disadvantages that you may not be aware of. Several researchers recommend not taking hot showers for a few different reasons.
Reason #1: Damages Your Hair Cuticles
Some research suggests that warm water could have a negative impact on your hair cuticles. Your hair consists of cells known as keratin. This protein also protects the hair from weakening or experiencing breakage. When someone damages their hair with warm water, it can eventually lead to baldness. One thing you can do to avoid this if you like warm water, however, is to keep it lukewarm for the scalp and hair.

Reason #2: Dries Out Your Skin
When you take a shower using warm water, the protective layer over your skin will get washed as well. While the hot water can remove much of the dirt, some of the good things that protect your skin get washed away with the warm water as well. You can apply moisturizer afterward to help with dried-out skin.
Reason #3: Negative Impact on Fertility?
Especially if you want to have children, hot water can have a negative impact on your ability to have children. Some evidence suggests that men who took hot showers every day had a lower rate of fertility. The testis doesn’t produce as much sperm in heated environments. Meanwhile, sperm count has been known to increase when you exist in cooler environments. For example, in temperatures below body temperature, the sperm cells tend to flourish more.
Some of the things to avoid to have a more positive impact on your sperm cells include avoiding hot tubs, saunas, jacuzzis, and hot showers.
Reason #4: Causes Itchy Skin?
Along with causing dryer skin, hot showers have been shown to cause itchy skin. Because the hot water causes your skin to dry out, it will instigate the itchiness. As the skin dries out, you will most likely have to scratch it more often. To combat this problem, you might use lukewarm water instead. In this way, your skin will keep its moisture and maintain the glow that it has.
Reason #5: Aggravate Acne
As you’d imagine, hot waters are known for causing problems with the skin. In addition, it can aggravate a person’s acne and cause further outbreaks. This comes from the fact that it can dry out your skin. You might be wondering, “How could that be a bad thing? How does dry skin cause acne?” In general, when you think of acne, you think of it coming from oily skin, rather than dried-out skin. In many cases, that has proven true, but hot water is too hot. As a result of this heat, it has the potential to cause the bacteria to spread. Warm water isn’t usually a problem, but hot water is a big no-no.
Reason #6: Lowers Moisture Content of the Eyes
When you use hot water for shower, it can lower the moisture content that you have in the eyes. This can cause itching problems in the eyes, and at the same time, it can create redness in the eyes. Especially if you already struggle with dry eyes, you may find it beneficial to take cold showers instead because of how it comes with plenty of benefits. Our eyes have a few sources of moisture, and it is better if we can keep them moist.
These are some disadvantages of using hot water for shower. Many people love to take hot showers because of how it feels relaxing and relieves tension, but you have other reasons for why you may not want to take these showers. It may not be as good of a thing as what you might think. If you’d like to learn more about the subject, contact Hot Water KMS Services Brisbane. We’re the experts on the subject, and we can also provide you with services that will keep your home with hot water.