10 Ways To Organize Your Handbag So You Can Always Find What You Need

As a busy mum it can be easy to just throw things into your handbag when you need a hand free, but you always end up rooting through the debris to find what you need later. The solution is to organize your handbag so that you have everything in its proper place and within easy reach. Here are our top tips on how to tidy-up your handbag so that you’ve always got everything ready so that you can carry on and have great adventures with the kids rather than rooting in your handbag for ages!
Clear Out Your Handbag
The first thing you need to do is clear out your bag and see what you have in it. Some items of rubbish like old sweet wrappers and tissues can be binned immediately, whilst anything you don’t use very often can be removed and used somewhere else. When deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, think about how often you use each item and whether or not you actually need it or are simply hanging onto it ‘just in case’.
Treat Yourself To A Quality Bag
The best way to motivate yourself to clear out your bag is to invest in a luxurious accessory that you’ll want to keep clean. SSENSE has an incredible selection of Saint Laurent Bags that are perfect for those who want to have a quality handbag that they’ll be eager to keep clean and tidy, so be sure to give those a browse.
Clean It Regularly after Organize your Handbag
Once you’ve cleared out your bag or bought a shiny new one, make sure that you clean it regularly. If it’s leather then use a natural cleaner, and for plastic and fabric use antibacterial cleaner so that your bag is always clean and will last longer.
Consider Using A Handbag Organiser
If you’ve got lots of items in your handbag, look into buying a bag organiser to keep everything neat and tidy. There are lots of different styles, sizes and colours to choose from so you can easily select the best option to suit your bag and needs.
Use A Specific Compartment For Rubbish
Mums are always being handed rubbish and expected to take care of it, and when there’s no bin in sight it can be easy to simply stuff it into your handbag. To avoid all of the discarded wrappers, old cans and dirty wipes from building up at the bottom of your handbag, select a dedicated compartment to store all of your rubbish in, then make sure that you empty it at the end of every day so that the rest of your bag is clean and filled with only the necessities.
Organize your Handbag : Choose A Purse With Lots Of Compartments
To keep all of your cards, notes and coins safe and stop them rattling around at the bottom of your bag, buy a purse with lots of compartments so that you can store everything in one place. This will help you to find your money quickly when you have to pay, and reduce the chance of you losing something important.
Carry Reusable Bags For Larger Items
When you’re out and about with the kids it’s easy to accumulate lots of little items that quickly get lost in the bottom of your bag. Avoid this by carrying a few reusable bags in your handbag, so that you can carry any additional items in these until you get home.
Get Your Little Ones To Carry Their Own Things
Children often collect pretty shells or items while their walking, so get them to carry their own belongings by giving them their own bag. This will give them a sense of responsibility and save you having to lug their stuff around all day.
Never Carry Food In Your Bag
Keeping snacks and treats in your handbag is tempting, but they may get forgotten or squashed and create mess, and can also lead to your bag smelling like food. To avoid this, always carry your food separately so that you can keep your handbag nice and tidy. This might seem hard when you have cranky kids constantly whining for snacks but organize your handbag and be firm : always keep the food in a separate place to ensure your bag is constantly clean and fresh.
Organize your Handbag to Keep Everything You Use Regularly Close To Hand
It might sound obvious, but keep everything that you use often (keys, wallet, diary) where you can reach it easily, but not too near the top where it can be easily stolen. Anything that you don’t use regularly can be stored nearer the bottom of your bag as you won’t need to access it as often.
By following these tips, you should be able to keep your handbag tidy and always find everything you need, when you need it. Keep browsing for some tips to choose your next purse and start to organize your handbag!