5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Living Space Clean and Fresh

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A clean home is a happy home, and staying on top of cleaning is essential for leading a more organized, healthier lifestyle. Take a look at our five simple tips on how to keep your home clutter and germ-free.

Clean living room

Rid your home of unnecessary clutter

First things first, decluttering is an essential part of the cleaning ritual. More items on display mean more dusting, so be sure to throw away, donate, or store anything that hasn’t been used in a while. This applies to your wardrobes, cupboards, vanities, drawers, pantry, as well as the fridge. Keep your surfaces clear as much as you can, and make sure that every item in your home has its place. Take your time to rid your home of as many items you don’t need and do your best to keep it clean and organized as much as possible. Doing so will help minimize the effort needed to clean and make everything go much quicker.

Clean accessories

Tidy up whenever you can

This next tip is key to keeping your home looking clean, polished, and ready to entertain at any time of the day. If there’s a mess – sweep it, if there are dirty dishes to be done – wash them, if you cook and make a mess – clean it up. Small, immediate actions like these take minutes to complete, yet they can save you a headache of tackling them later after everything’s piled up. Be sure to take your trash out daily, and do your best to keep the surfaces free of mess. By simply cleaning after yourself and making sure you tidy up whenever you can will do wonders for your home and ensure it always looks nice.

Tidy home

Clear the air

Ensuring a good indoor air quality is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. The best thing to do would be to open the windows and refresh the indoor air. However, this alone won’t remove all the pollutants and dust mites that are lingering in the air, so you’ll need to look for additional methods for cleaning the air. It’d be a good idea to check online for best air purifiers and see how they rank and then use rankings to decide which one would fit your needs. Air cleaners will help prevent dust from accumulating on your surfaces while trapping the mold spores, viruses, and bacteria present in your interior air. Also, don’t forget to clean your AC filters to ensure they’re doing their job, and consider adding a couple of plants such as Bamboo plant or English Ivy to help freshen up the air. 

Fresh air home

Get your family to help

Even though many of us prefer to just do things on their own, household chores can easily become overwhelming. Sooner or later, you’ll realize that things would be much easier if your whole family contributed to cleaning and maintaining your home. Consider making a weekly cleaning schedule, and assign everyone with their jobs and tasks. Choose age-appropriate chores for your kids, and as for the spouse, talk to them and ask them if they could handle some of the jobs you’re responsible for. Whether it’s simply the kids making their beds, tidying their rooms, or putting the dishes in the dishwasher after a meal, a lot of small, simple things, will be tackled, resulting in an overall tidy, pleasant-looking home.

clean and tidy home

Schedule a seasonal house clean

Each season, your home requires additional TLC, so make sure you schedule a seasonal house clean. Regardless of the season, it’s essential that you keep your decor up to date, so if there happen to be any leftover seasonal accessories, be sure to store them away for the next year. Depending on the weather conditions, your windows could use some elbow grease, and the same goes for any carpeting and area rugs you have in your home. Hoovering them isn’t enough, so it’s best to have them cleaned every season to eliminate any dirt, pollutants, and germs trapped inside. Another seasonal cleaning tip would be to take down fabrics such as curtains, pillow covers, and bedding and give them a wash. Each season, make it a habit to clear out everything that went uneaten or it’s expired, and do your best to keep any form of clutter at bay to ensure your home looks fresh and clean regardless of the weather outside.

Clean decoration

While the majority of people think it’s impossible to keep your home clean and tidy at all times, all it really takes is a good organization, some planning, and a checklist to help you keep the clutter, pollutants, and other “uninvited guests” at bay. Now that you’re armed with a couple of cleaning tips, it’s time to roll up the sleeves and get to work!

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