9 Tips to Stay Safe Abroad

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The potential problems and dangers that we may encounter when traveling are one of the most frequent reasons why some people do not dare to make their dream trip or why many travelers do not visit certain destinations.

We will not say that nothing will ever happen to you on a trip, because it is not true; In fact, many things can happen to you, as many as in your city or hometown.


In travel, as in our own country, suffering a mishap will depend a little on luck or chance, and much on our way of doing things.

If you’re travelling abroad, you’ll want to stay out of trouble. Let’s look at some challenges faced by travelers, and how best to deal with them.


Tourists carry a lot of cash, and often have a poor understanding of their surroundings. They’re therefore very attractive targets for pickpockets. Anywhere that a lot of tourist congregate into a small space is likely to be beset by pickpockets, with Rome and Barcelona being notorious for high levels of pick pocketing.


To stay safe, you be aware of any distraction tactics that pickpockets might employ and carry all of your possessions in a pickpocket-resistant bag with lockable zips. Don’t take out any more cash than you need at any one time, and make sure that the rest is stored in a safe in your hotel or villa.

Don’t walk through dark places at night

It might sound obvious, but if you walk through an unfamiliar part of the world when it’s dark, then you are more likely to run into trouble – you could be mugged or even worse, assaulted. If you are not sure of the area you are in, don’t risk it – take some form of transportation such as taxi, bus, etc. Worst case scenario, if you suspect that someone is following you, then you can always dip into a crowded place, like a restaurant or a hotel.


Don’t get drunk

Getting drunk makes it more likely that bad things will happen to you. It’s fine to have a few if you’re in the company of friends, but if you have to walk around on your own and you can’t see straight, then you’re not going to be safe.

Don’t leave your drink unattended

This is a hard-and-fast rule that should never, ever be broken, even when you’re not abroad. Also known as drink spiking, this practice is most often done with the intent of stealing from the victim, assaulting the victim or as a prank. It is illegal in most countries. The most common substance used is alcohol, which can be easily added to a soft drink. Other, more dangerous substances used to spike drinks are drugs – while those horror stories you’ve heard about are rare, it’s certainly best to stay on the safe side.


Don’t dress up

If you’re dressing in clothes that cost a lot of money, then muggers and pickpockets will assume that you have something worth stealing. Ostentatious jewelry multiplies this risk again – so avoid it wherever possible. If you have valuables with you, the best precaution you can take is not to show them off in public. Be certain that it will attract unwanted attention – either keep them in a backpack or stash them somewhere safe and out of sight.

Do your Research

Often, it’s not the local criminals that you need to watch out for, but the local law enforcement. Some activities that you might think nothing of can get you into serious trouble in other countries, so be sure that you look into the cultural mores of the locals before you set out. This applies particularly in religiously conservative places like Dubai.

Nerves, panic, stress or something as simple as not having an internet connection on our mobile can make contacting emergency services in a foreign country a horrifying experience.

But there is no need to go through something like that and make a situation worse that can already be. The solution is extremely simple: have the emergency numbers of the country we visit in your phone memory or a piece of paper.

Dress Appropriately

Likewise, if you’re in certain countries, you’ll be expected not to show much flesh. If you do, then you can expect to find yourself in hot water. Again, this will include many Muslim-majority countries, but it will also extend to religious sites in otherwise secular states, like the Vatican City in Rome.


Get Representation

However, as much effort you put into staying out of trouble, there’s always a slight chance that you’ll be unlucky. In such cases, you’ll be glad that you have an expert law firm by your side. Companies like Withers are specialized on this kind of problems. Be sure to have it sorted before flying to new destinations !

Hide some extra security money

Some travelers choose not to carry cash on their trips, and they prefer to pay by card or take money when they need it.

Even if we are going to use the card as a preferred method of payment, it is important to always carry some cash, since the card can be broken, lost or stolen.

There are many fantastic ways to hide your emergency money, from a small empty shampoo bottle to items with secret pockets like belts.

You can also choose to hide an emergency credit card if you prefer. In any case, remember not to store everything in one place, but distribute it in different hiding places to keep it as safe as possible.

And remember, preparation and thinking about potential dangers are a good starting point, but after you did it, concentrate about enjoy your trip !

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