4 Simple Ways to Conserve Energy at Home

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Have your energy bills seemed a bit steep over the years? Most people find this to be the case.

Conserving energy not only saves you money, it also means you play a part in saving the environment. There are various methods for energy conservation, ranging from the extremely complex to the really simple ones.

Energy saving

Now, you don’t necessarily need to bother about the complex methods. Here’s a list of 4 simple techniques you can start using right away on your journey to becoming energy efficient.

Increase Your Use of Natural Light

Often ignored by most, this is one of the easiest ways to reduce your energy consumption at home. All you need to do is open the curtains and let the sunlight in, rather than rely on artificial lighting in the daytime. You can also purchase lighter blinds that allow the natural light filter through while still providing some form of privacy.

Natural light

Once you have the right blinds, arrange them so that the often-used areas of the home get these benefits during the day. And if you’re looking for another great reason to try this method, scientists posit that natural light increases serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin, called the “happy enzyme” by some, makes you happy and relaxed.


Insulate Your Home

Over 30% of energy in a building is lost to leaks. These leakages can cause the energy bills in your home to go unnecessarily high. Properly insulating your home can play a major role in not only retaining the warmth during the winter, but can also reduce your energy bills.

Good insulation

Spray foam insulation, one of the services offered by Precision Insulation and Coating is one of the most efficient methods for insulating your home. It not only insulates your home, but also acts a water and air sealant, closing out those little holes that crop up all the time. Usually, the recommended level of heat resistance for your insulation depends on the climate of where you live. In warmer climates, the heat resistance, also called “R-value” by scientists, is lower than for buildings located in colder regions.

Install Energy Efficient Appliances

Your refrigerator, heaters, and washers contribute roughly 13% of the energy use in your household. When shopping for an appliance, always be on the lookout for appliances with energy guide labels. These appliances consume less energy when in use or standby.

Efficient Appliances

A good example of an energy guide label is the “ENERGY STAR” label of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Switch to Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

The traditional incandescent light bulb can quickly rack up your energy bills. Considering some of these light bulbs are as high as 40 watts, you can quickly calculate how much energy you consume by simply checking the number of bulbs in use all the time. It’s even more shocking when you consider that they burn out faster than Halogen light bulbs and other energy efficient light bulbs.

Efficient lighting

Replacing the traditional light bulb is a must if you plan to conserve energy. The energy efficient light bulbs not only last three to a massive twenty-five times longer, but also use over 50% less electricity. Now, they are more expensive than traditional bulbs. However, their efficient energy use and longer lifetimes means they cost you less in the long run.

Conserving Energy in Your Home: Final Thoughts

Conserving energy

Like we mentioned earlier, these are some simple methods you can use to conserve energy at your home. There are more complex ones like installing a smart thermostat, using smart power trips, or installing energy efficient windows – but the ways listed in this guide are simple changes you can start with.

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