Important Sleep Equipment Everyone Should Have in Their Bedroom

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4 Items to Help You Get the Best Night’s Sleep

Sometimes, no matter how tired you are or how long your day has been, you just can’t get to sleep. Whether you have insomnia, stress, or just the occasional unexplained sleepless night, almost everyone can benefit from some additional help getting to sleep.

Cosy bedroom

Good practices throughout the day like not exercising before bedtime and restricting your blue light exposure for an hour before you go to bed can help, but sometimes you need to use a few additional items to help you get to sleep and stay asleep. Here are 4 things that can help you get the best night of sleep possible:

1. Humidifier

One of the keys to a good night’s sleep is a comfortable environment. One of the best ways to do this is to use a humidifier to make it easier to breathe deeply and comfortably. Dry air in the room can cause breathing problems which can make it difficult to get really restful, deep sleep. Dry air can also cause a sore throat or a nose bleed in the morning. A good warm-mist humidifier will prevent these problems and can often create some nice white noise that will also help you fall asleep faster.


2. Weighted Blanket

A good, cozy blanket is also important for a good night’s sleep, and a weighted blanket is even better than a regular one for those with sleep problems. A weighted blanket provides a sense of comfort and security that can help you drift off to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. This weighted blanket from Layla is super soft for ultimate comfort against your skin, and the weight is evenly distributed which helps maintain the sense of security even when you roll around at night.

Weighted Blanket

3. Pillow Spray

Another great product to help your bedtime routine is an aromatherapy pillow spray. The therapeutic aspects of essential oils have been highly touted, and there are several options that can encourage better sleep. The best combination is probably lavender and chamomile, but you can play around with different mixtures to see which scent helps you sleep the best and has an aroma that you enjoy. These sprays are specially designed for you to spray on your pillow a few minutes before you get in bed. This application will make sure you continue to smell the calming scents and receive the benefits from the essential oils all night long.

Aromatherapy spray

4. Fan/Heater

A comfortable temperature in your bedroom can be even more influential than low noise and light levels when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. This is especially important in the summer when too-hot temperatures can make it difficult to fall asleep or get deep enough sleep to feel rested in the morning. A fan is a great way to help keep things cool without increasing your electricity bill by cooling your entire house. A fan is also a great source of white noise that can help you sleep better as well.

Air con room

Depending on where you live, it can be difficult to keep your bedroom warm enough in the winter to sleep comfortably. Adding more blankets can help, but if your face and hands are too cold this can still cause sleeping problems. A good space heater can help keep your room at a comfortable temperature without draining your wallet and forcing you to heat the whole house. Like fans and humidifiers, heaters can also be a great source of white noise which can cut down on noise pollution and help you get the best night of sleep possible.

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