Signs of Anemia and How to Fight It

Health is one of the most important things in life, but sadly, we only seem to start paying attention to our health once we become sick. Very few among us are able to notice that something’s off because the early signs are usually so subtle that it’s easy to overlook them or dismiss them as irrelevant. Anemia is a problem that affects people of all ages, and if it’s not treated, it can lead to other health complications. Here’s how you can “spot it” and what you can do about it.
What is anemia?
To put things simply: anemia is a blood disorder and a very common one at that. Hemoglobin is a protein inside your red blood cells that carries oxygen, and if the amount of hemoglobin in your red blood cells is low, you become anemic. On the other hand, your hemoglobin levels might be fine, but you might have a low red blood cell count to begin with. In itself, anemia isn’t exactly dangerous for a person’s overall health, but if it isn’t treated, it can get quite severe, and an anemic person can get other serious health issues.
Are you anemic?
Because the red blood cell and hemoglobin count can differ a lot from one person to the next, different people can experience symptoms at a different time and at different levels. The tell-tale and by far the most common sign of anemia is fatigue, yet it can be caused by a lot of things, so you should be on the lookout for more concerning symptoms. These other symptoms include being very short of breath after doing something you were able to do freely and easily in the past, as well as being very pale. A very unusual symptom is being hungry for and chewing things that aren’t food (cardboard, dirt, and ice, for example), and if you notice this, you probably suffer from iron deficiency anemia known as pica.
Tricks that help fight anemia
There are many types of anemia, and unfortunately, a number of them can’t be prevented. Still, you can avoid iron deficiency, as well as vitamin deficiency anemia, if you add more nutrients and vitamins to your diet. Iron-rich foods are especially important, so try eating more beef, beans and lentils, as well as dark green leafy vegetables. Coenzyme Q10 will also help patients who suffer from a loss of muscle volume to improve their strength. Pregnant women should also use folic acid multivitamins as they are at increased risk of anemia.
Lifestyle changes you should make
Anemia causes a lot of stress for your body, and even though exercise is good for you, you should consult your doctor before you start any special workout program and regime. If you do more than your body can handle, you can cause harm to your heart and other organs. Because you will probably feel fatigued, get plenty of rest whenever you feel the need to. It’s also a good idea to give up smoking and drink in moderation (men should drink no more than 2 drinks a day, while women should drink only one).
Even “mild” anemia can be serious
It takes a long time for anemia to develop, usually over the course of several weeks or even months, even if it’s caused by a very serious problem such as cancer. A mild anemia can be just a symptom of a more serious health problem, so even if you get diagnosed with a case of “mild anemia”, you should take it seriously and work on getting better. On the other hand, even if you have a case of “serious” anemia, it doesn’t mean that you suffer from a larger and more complex health issue. The most important thing is to figure out the underlying cause of your anemia and working hard on fixing it.
Fighting anemia might not be easy, but it’s possible if only you’re willing to make a few changes in your life. Sometimes, we have to make ourselves do things that we don’t particularly enjoy if we want to stay healthy: wake up early and jog, skip pizza and eat a salad instead, walk and not drive to a place… Still, if we can make a conscious effort to change our lives and adopt healthy habits, we’re in for a bright (and healthy) future.