How to Use Matcha Powder for Better Health

For those of you who still don’t know what matcha is, the first thing you should be aware of is that green tea isn’t the healthiest drink of them all. Most of the healthy ingredients found in green tea are highly concentrated in matcha, which is a powdery substance made from green tea leaves. During the process of matcha making, stems and veins are removed from the green tea leaves, giving the leftover powder a magical green color. Even though matcha was primarily used only in Japan, now that its healthy potentials have been discovered all around the world, you can enjoy delicious and healthy matcha treats almost everywhere. May you be more interested in making your own treats, here are some useful tips on how to use matcha in order to fully digest its healthy ingredients.
Make matcha cookies
Matcha can easily be incorporated into your everyday baking routine by introducing it instead of flour. You can mix matcha with all liquids, and it tastes good with both milk and water, which are the liquids you mostly use when making sweet treats. If you are still convinced that flour can’t be replaced with tea powder, start with a small amount of matcha and add more gradually. You will notice how your matcha cookies, muffins, scones, or any other baked good not only has a rich, green color, but is a lot tastier, too.
Shake up an energy drink
Drinking coffee and synthesized energy drinks with an abundance of added sugar isn’t healthy at all, and you can’t go on for long on this regime without ruining some aspects of your health. Your body needs a natural energy booster in order to stay healthy, and matcha is just the one. Matcha boosts vitality naturally and a glass of matcha green tea will keep you going for a whole day. One matcha drink a day has also shown to improve overall cognitive functioning and athletic ability, too. It would be best for you to make a highly concentrated matcha drink from matcha powder. You can get quality matcha powder at Bulk Nutrients, add water to it, shake and enjoy your healthy energy drink.
Add matcha to your latte
There is more than one way to add matcha to your drink, and making a matcha latte is an exceptional way to do so. All you have to do is place a few teaspoons of matcha into your coffee cup. Fill the rest of the cup half with milk and the other half with coffee, and then top everything off with steamed milk. Matcha goes great with all kinds of coffee (especially Arabica), and it is mixed best with coconut or almond milk.
Boil matcha noodles
Matcha can also be successfully incorporated into salty foods. For example, adding matcha to your favorite noodle mix is going to give a special touch to this easy-made dish. You can buy premade matcha noodles, but it would be better for you to make them on your own. Homemade matcha noodles are made with only flour, eggs and matcha, plus the making process is fairly easy. You can use these interesting noodles to make unusual kinds of pasta and let your creativity flourish as you invent new recipes that will leave everyone in awe.
Healthy matcha pancakes
Life simply wouldn’t be as good if pancakes didn’t exist, but it’s an annoying fact that they are a very unhealthy treat (despite being the tastiest one). However, both the ingredients and the way they are made can be replaced while still savoring the true pancake charm. Replacing flour with matcha powder is the first step you should make. Next, use coconut oil instead of sunflower oil or olive oil. Finally, add bananas and eggs to make the compound come to life, without adding additional water or milk. You will see how these alien pancakes will be fun for the whole family, while the kids can enjoy a healthy version of their favorite breakfast treat.
Don’t forget that there are many benefits of matcha that you can take advantage of. For instance, matcha is a great healthy metabolism booster, which is why it is often a part of many diets. Matcha also has high levels of catechins which makes it one of the best antioxidants there are. Use the power of matcha in order to make your lifestyle more energetic and healthier at the same time.