Spread Your Message! 7 Must-Know Blogging Tips for Your Industrial Manufacturing Blog
Are you passionate about spreading knowledge of industrial manufacturing? If so, click here for 8 must-know blogging tips to help you be successful.
Are you looking for a great way to spread information about industrial manufacturing while also attracting traffic to your site? If so, you should definitely consider blogging.
Blogging is a powerful way to build an audience and attract new customers. In fact, websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages.
There are no rules for how to write a blog or what makes one more successful than the other.
That being said, there are tactics that have been shown time and again to get results. Read on, and we’ll show you the best blogging tips to up your blogging game.
Know Your Audience
If you’re planning on writing a blog about something like copper pipes, look up what people are saying about copper pipes. What do people want to know about copper pipes? What are other blogs not talking about when it comes to that subject?
One great way to know your audience better is to ask them. Using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter is a great way to connect directly with your audience.
Also, check the comments of your previous blogs or of competitors’ blogs. Commenters tend to leave pretty honest critiques about what they did and didn’t like about the article they just read.
Use a Strong Call-to-Action
You don’t want your readers to just read your blog and then leave. You want to convert them into customers, or at least consistent visitors.
Using a call-to-action (CTA) will help encourage your readers to follow your blog. Adding a CTA at the end of your blog, such as “Follow us on Twitter”, can help increase your followers and keep those people updated on what you do.
Be sure to include a hyperlink. This way, all the reader has to do is click the word “Twitter” and they are immediately taken to your Twitter page.
Build Your Email List
Getting people to subscribe to your email list is an effective way to increase your chances of conversion. Even if you don’t intend to sell anything, email is a great tool for bloggers.
When people subscribe, you can send them newsletters updating them on new blogs or special deals on your website. This helps build brand recognition. It also saves you from relying so heavily on things like search rankings.
When a reader is on one of your blog pages, get a pop-up window to appear and ask if they want to subscribe. When asking for readers to subscribe, try to use exciting language.
One blogger saw a 254% increase in his subscription rate when he changed his CTA from “subscribe by email” to “get jobs by email”.
Post Consistently
Try to post at a consistent rate. If a reader likes a recent article, they are likely to check back in a few days for another one. If you fail to post at least once a week, you risk losing that visitor forever.
Try to write multiple articles when you have the time and then roll them out at a consistent pace. You don’t want to have to scramble to come up with new content every week.
Write a Catchy Headline
As the first thing that people will see when it comes to your article, your headline needs to grab their attention immediately. It should be short but informative.
Try using active, exciting, or urgent language to grab your readers’ attention. If you’re unsure about your headline, try out a few different ones.
Tweet your article multiple times over a few days. Include a different headline with each post and see which ones get the most likes and retweets.
Write Timeless Content
Writing articles that aren’t reliant on current events is a great way to keep visitors on your site. If a visitor finishes reading your latest article and liked it, they may very well browse your site for more blogs to read.
They are less likely to check out articles that discuss old news that is no longer relevant to the current time period. Try to focus on writing articles that aren’t time-specific instead.
An informative blog about how minerals are extracted from the ground is likely to be more timeless than one about how the upcoming Senate vote might affect local miners.
It can be helpful to have time-specific articles posts too because they are urgent, but you should diversify the kind of content you post. This will keep your readers coming back for more.
Be Yourself
One of the most important blogging tips we can give is to simply be yourself. When you write, write in your own voice. Don’t try to copy the voice and style of other writers.
When writing about something like industrial manufacturing, write from your own experiences. You want to speak from the heart as opposed to trying to sound too overly professional or erudite.
People want to read blogs that they can connect with, understand, and enjoy.
And in an industry like industrial manufacturing, you need to use your discretion in your articles. Only you can know when it is best to write more technically or colloquially.
Use These Blogging Tips to Start Your Blog
It might seem like a difficult task at the start, but hopefully, these blogging tips will give your blog the jumpstart it needs. Just always be sure to write genuinely and honestly.
You might not get a lot of traffic at the start but if you’re consistent and passionate, there’s no reason your audience won’t grow.
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