How to Make Your Bedroom a Sanctuary
Do you find yourself struggling with anxiety lately? You’re not alone. And also, it’s not your fault.
Our world is like a breeding ground for stress. If you aren’t mindful, it’s easy to get caught up and allow anxiety to take over your life.
One way to slow things down and remain mindful is to create a sanctuary space in your own home. For most people, it’s the bedroom. The bedroom is a space that’s naturally associated with relaxation, so it’s the perfect fit.

Here are a few tips for making your bedroom a sanctuary.
Remove the television
If you have a television in your bedroom, your bedroom is not a sanctuary. Just think about how much negativity comes from the television. There’s the nightly news with tales of death and destruction that seem to be on a loop. And then there’s the war stories and murder mysteries we find fascinating. Now, there’s nothing wrong with these things in moderation. But everyone needs a sanctuary from this type of darkness. On the plus side, you’ll probably find it easier to get to sleep when you remove the television and other technologies from your room. Studies have shown that the blue light from these devices can interfere with sleep.
Get a comfortable mattress
If you’re sleeping on a bed that’s older than 8-years-old, there’s a good chance springs are popping into your sides while you sleep. And there’s no better way to wreck your day than to get a poor night’s rest.
A poorly-suited mattress for your body can also cause you to get a less-than-stellar night’s rest. So if you’re not completely comfortable with your bed, finding the perfect mattress should become a top priority. This is one area where it’s worth the investment.
Create a bedside relaxation station
Instead of plopping energy-sucking things like bills on your bedside table, create a shrine to relaxation. This is the ideal spot for an essential oil diffuser where you can diffuse relaxing aromas like lavender and chamomile. Keep this space cleared of clutter, but you can add any items that give you a sense of peace. This is a great spot for a picture of a loved one.
Clear the room of clutter
When we see clutter and mess in our surroundings, it can evoke feelings of clutter and mess in our minds. This will only serve to worsen any anxious thoughts you may be having. So be sure you can easily clear your floors and any surface areas in your room every day. Make it easy to do by putting a hamper and a trash can in your room. This way, you can do a two-minute sweep of the room to get rid of any objects that don’t belong. Make a habit of doing this every morning and/or evening. Mess represents things we have to do (cleaning), and looking at a to-do list is the opposite of sitting in a sanctuary.
Clean your sheets weekly
You can’t deny that it feels great to lay down in fresh, clean bedding. There’s something about it that makes us feel like we’ve got things together. So try to make a habit of cleaning your sheets every week. Most people like to make a routine of this and do it on the same day of every week (usually Sunday to start the next week fresh). Washing the dirt off your sheets from the previous week before going into a new one is almost a symbolic gesture.
We all deserve at least one place in the home that serves as a sanctuary. Is your bedroom setup like this already?