How To Keep A Clean Home While Raising Children
As any parent might realize, it is quite difficult to maintain a clean home with a child running around. The mere presence of a child means that you will need an organized action plan that will keep your home as clean as it can be while at the same time keeping an eye on the little one you have. Although it may seem impossible to achieve absolute cleanliness around the house with a child present, you can still achieve that goal with some work.

1. Establish a schedule
Establishing a routine for you and your child will give you the opportunity to stay on top of your home’s needs as well as keep an eye out for your child. You can schedule cleaning at times when your child is asleep or while they are playing or watching television for some time to ensure that you will need time. Having a schedule for cleaning will also ensure that you give time to straighten out all the rooms in your home regularly so there is nothing getting neglected. Utilize times when your child is not around to thoroughly clean without having to worry about him, or her needing your constant attention.
2. Playtime rules
Establishing rules for your child to follow when playing as well as after playtime, will instill a sense of organization in your child as well as save you the hassle of continuously finding toys at random points. Make sure to make your child put away all their toys after they are done playing with them. You can also make it into a game or competition so that the person who cleans up faster wins. That way your child will not find cleaning a chore that they do not want to do but instead a fun process that ends up with them relaxing and enjoying their clean space.
3. Designate areas
Designating areas is a great way to make your home stay as clean as possible. Having a certain area where your child can play will limit the amount of toys strewn all over the house. This also applies when designating an area for eating. Children by nature are very messy and you cannot expect them not to spill food when they are eating. When you limit the places they eat, you will avoid many unnecessary messes. Investing in disposable table covers will also save you a lot of hassle.
4. Hiring a cleaning service
Speaking of children being messy as a parent, it is better if you invest in a bunch of multipurpose cleaners that can work all around the house. You can avoid the hassle of cleaning the house yourself by hiring a cleaner to ensure that the house is clean as can be. A child will not be concerned with whether the mess he makes can be easily removed or not. Try to avoid buying hard to clean furniture because they will be a cause of even more work around your home so that even if you do not plan on hiring a service then you can easily do it.
Maintain a clean home
Organization is key to maintain a clean home. Buying an assortment of bins and baskets to put various objects in will save on floor space as well as lessen the chances of having a messy place. You should label the bins in a clear way so that even your child can easily recognize which basket to put his toys, stationary or other belongings in. Teaching your child the importance of a clean home and having them help you around the house will make your time cleaning way easier.