5 Tips in Creating a Comfortable Home Office Space

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Working remotely at home can be as challenging as it is an attractive proposition. The reason being that people struggle to strike a balance between work and home life; therefore, they become less productive. The conventional working space in an office building does not do much better either because it usually lacks in ergonomic design.

You can make your home office as comfortable as you can – something that commercial setups neglect – in a manner that encourages you to be more productive.

Here are five tips to making a comfortable home office that nurtures productivity:

  1. Prepare For Productive Breaks

In order to stay productive, you should have breaks interspersed between your productive time periods. Productivity experts encourage you to use timeboxing – a technique that entails working in short bursts separated by periods of rest. Plan for the rest periods by making them productive.

home office

When we say productive, it does not mean using your brakes to make business calls or read work emails; it means using your break time to recharge. Keep something like a book (about something entirely removed from your work), exercise equipment, or a musical instrument nearby.

  1. Make Everything Ergonomic

The biggest mistake most office plans make is to create an office space that is not ergonomic for all its occupants. They generalize and assume that widely accepted conventions work for everyone.

Since you are your own boss within your home office, you can tailor everything to your needs and preferences:

home office
  • Chair: You spend most of the time on one. It should allow you to sit comfortably with your feet resting on firm ground and your back well supported. If you are looking for good designs, see here for ergonomic chairs that will boost productivity.
  • Lighting: Ensure that your office is well-lit. Place your desk at a place where there is adequate light. Use natural lighting both to offset the bills and to lighten your mood.
  • Desk: It should be at a height that enables you to rest your forearms parallel to the floor. The top of the computer screen should be at eye level to minimize eye strain. Make provisions for a standing desk if you want to take a break from sitting all day.
home office
  1. Control the Temperature

One of the benefits of having from home is that you do not have to debate with other co-workers over the ideal temperature setting. Set the thermostat at the optimum temperature; you know what works for you better than anyone.

home office

  1. Stock Adequately

Make your office as self-contained as possible. Ensure that you have all the supplies you need to minimize the number of times you leave the office to fetch a snack, beverage, or stationery. Nevertheless, have your lunch away from your office because you will need to take breaks away from your work.

home office
  1. Decorate

Integrate personal decorations to take the edge off and boost productivity. You can add an indoor plant to make the place livelier. Change things up once in a while to avoid making your office boring and drub.


In addition to the above-mentioned adjustments, organize your office so that you maximize on the space and make it easier to find work material. The main advantage of working from home is that you can make your office as comfortable as possible because you are in control. Take advantage of that and make it a place where you are at your most productive.

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