Self-Build Projects – What You Need to Know
Building a home from scratch is not for the faint-hearted. There is a lot to think about, and more to the point, an awful lot that can go wrong. Nevertheless, self-builds are becoming increasingly popular. You have the chance to design a house that fits your exact specifications, and once the project has reached completion, you will have a home that is worth more than what it cost you to build.

Putting the Groundwork in Place
Once you have a plot of land waiting for your new home and the funding is in place to get the project off the ground, it is time to get the ball rolling. Before you do anything, you need to have the right professionals in place, ready to help you make your ideas a reality. Hire an architect to translate your vision into a workable design. They will help you get your ideas out there and advise you of whether they will work. If you have plans to build a straight-forward home with all the usual features, this won’t be a problem, but if you are considering a more innovative design, then choosing the right architect is extremely important.

If your ideas are really ‘out there’, consider asking a specialist company to create a 3-D printed design mock-up of your house. This will help you see what the completed design will look like in three dimensions. Many modern homes feature a lot of steel and glass, which is hard to envision on paper. Companies like Jade Engineering can fabricate models for you using the latest high-tech equipment. Find out more by visiting
Hire a Builder
Once you have a plan you are happy with, the next stage is to find a builder to construct your new home. Ask friends and family for recommendations. You are better off working with someone you know and can trust. Your architect may recommend someone. Architects often have working relationships with several trades. Since they are well-placed to know whether the builder they recommend has the required skills for the project, take their suggestions on board.
Who’s Going to Project Manage?
Don’t underestimate how stressful it can be to project manage a self-build. There is an awful lot to do, even on straight-forward self-build projects. The project manager liaises with the architect, builder, construction crew, and individual trades. They order in materials, check all orders when they arrive, and manage the budget to ensure costs don’t spiral out of control.
To be a good project manager on a building project, you need to be organized, good with figures, and have excellent interpersonal skills. If you already have a full-time job, project managing a self-build is not going to work.
Only take it on if you have the time and inclination to get your hands dirty. Otherwise, let your architect project manage. It will cost more, but you won’t have to deal with the daily stress of keeping numerous balls up in the air at once.
Once you have all this in place, the project can commence. Now comes the exciting part! In a few months, you will be moving into your dream home!