7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

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The average adult is approximately 60% water. It’s essential for life as we know it. Water hydrates your cells allowing them to function properly.

This is one of the main reasons you’re told to drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day. The simple fact is that the amount cannot be specified exactly but the premise is correct; you need to stay hydrated.

drinking water

To do so effectively it is advisable to invest in a quality water filter from Filtap and a drink bottle that is designed to be reused. You’ll then always have water on hand when you need it.

Here are 7 science-based benefits to inspire you to drink water:

  • Physical Performance

As mentioned water ensures your cells are hydrated. This means they can work effectively and at peak power. In short if you are hydrated you will be able to push your body to its limits.

A lack of hydration will prevent your muscles and organs from working properly and reduce your performance levels.

drinking water

  • Energy

Because water gets your cells working properly they will be more efficient at allowing particles to move through them. In particular adequate hydration helps fatty acids to turn into energy; powering your body no matter how tough the day is.

  • Headache Prevention

Headaches are caused by a number of different things but one of the biggest issues is a lack of hydration.

Drinking water will keep you hydrated and reduce the risk of a headache occurring.

drinking water

  • Ease & Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are formed when the minerals in your body are allowed to clump together. This will then become painful as they limit the kidney’s ability to do their job properly and the stones are too big to pass through the kidneys and out the usual channels.

Water can help to prevent the minerals clumping together as it flushes toxins from your body. There is only limited research regarding this at the moment but the studies are promising.

  • Relieve Constipation

Constipation is simply a backup of fiber which has not been hydrated enough to pass smoothly through your system. It happens to most people at some point.

Hydration allows the smooth progress of waste through your body and encourages you to get rid of waste regularly.

  • Weight Loss

Drinking cold water has been shown to reduce your body temperature. This forces your body to work harder in order to raise your temperature to what it should be.

In the process you’ll burn more calories and burn more fat; that makes water one of the easiest and cheapest ways to lose weight.

  • Prevent Hangovers

Finally, hangovers are not caused by dehydration. But the symptoms that go with a hangover, such as groggy head, tiredness, dry mouth and thirst are related to dehydration.

Consuming a large glass of water before bed and even adding a few in between alcoholic drinks can help to prevent your hangover occurring. In turn this can help you to stay in control of your actions throughout the evening.


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