5 Signs You Need New Windows
Oftentimes, homeowners neglect to keep their windows updated and fail to replace them whenever they need replacement, causing higher energy bills and serving as nothing more than non-attractive home displays.

It’s important for homeowners to replace their windows every so often to ensure they are properly allowing sunlight through, not letting unwanted outside air and sound in, and maintaining their aesthetic appeal.
While the average lifespan of a window can range anywhere from 10-20 years, if you notice any of the following five signs with your windows, then you may need to have your windows replaced.
Your Windows Are Cracked
The most noticeable sign that you need new windows are if your current windows are cracked or severely damaged. Cracked windows can be incredibly unpleasing to look at and guests will be sure to notice the damage.
Not only are cracked windows a distraction to your home’s decor, they also can lead to increased energy bills. When a window is cracked or severely damaged, they will naturally allow air to flow in and out of the house unwillingly, which will cause the heating and air to run for longer periods of the day and, as a result, raise your energy costs.
If you see a cracked window, it’s important to replace it as soon as possible. Also, if one window is cracked there is an increased chance that other windows have cracks in them as well, so be sure to check all of your windows thoroughly to ensure they are free of any cracks or damage.
Difficult to Open, Close or Lock Your Windows
One of the more common signs that you need new windows is when it becomes difficult to open, close or lock your windows. While some windows, such as garden windows, are able to keep air out even as they age, more traditional windows fail to do so as they become outdated.
As windows age, it becomes harder to freely move them up and down and, in many cases, the problem will progress to the point where you are unable to open your window at all. Fortunately, checking to see if your windows are difficult to operate is very easy. After you check your windows for cracks or damage, open your window all the way and close and lock it. If you are able to do so without any trouble, then your windows are probably okay for the time being.
However, if you are unable to open and close your windows without extra effort, then you may need to have them replace. Otherwise, you risk them staying slightly open and letting unwanted air in and out, which will inevitably raise your energy costs.
You Hear Outside Noise Clearly
Windows have several practical purposes. Of course, windows are great home display items and are also needed to help regulate the temperature in the house. On cold days, windows will let sunshine in and help keep your house warm. On warmer days, you can open your windows and receive a nice, cool breeze.
However, another major benefit of windows is their ability to keep the house quiet. Most modern windows are designed in such a way that prevents outside noise, well, outside. However, as windows age they become more fragile, aren’t able to shut all the way and may even crack, all of which allow more sound to penetrate inside.
If you notice an increase in your ability to hear outdoor noises, then the problem is probably your windows and can only be solved by replacing your windows.
Your Windows Are Warped or Damaged by Moisture
As windows age, they begin to suffer from damage caused by storms. In most cases, windows are able to resist storm damage for years, but after a certain point they become less able to do so and will subsequently become warped and damaged by moisture.
If your window frames are beginning to look damaged and worn down or your window glass is starting to crack, then you can feel pretty certain that your windows have received too much moisture damage and need to be replaced.
However, it isn’t always that simple. In many cases, the windows may be warped or damaged by moisture but not show any significant physical signs. If you believe your windows are warped or damaged by moisture but aren’t quite sure, then observe the temperature of your house during the next storm. If they suffer from moisture damage, then you should see your heating and air be forced to work harder due to your windows not keeping the moisture out of your house as effectively.
You Have High Energy Bills
One of the most noticeable signs, and quite frankly the most annoying sign, is higher energy bills. If your home suffers from high energy costs but don’t know why, the windows may be the reason.
With that said, higher energy bills may be more of a cause of other symptoms rather than a symptom in itself. In other words, if you believe your energy costs are higher because your windows are old, you should look for actual damage done to your windows, such as the previous four signs.
In most cases you should be able to find the windows that are damaged or simply outdated, causing your energy bills to go through the roof. Once you locate the problematic windows, you can replace only those windows. However, it can certainly be beneficial to replace all of the windows at the same time in order to lower your high energy costs.
Replacing Damaged or Outdated Windows Can Save You Money
Many homeowners are hesitant to replace their windows due to the cost. However, I can assure you that replacing the windows is always a good idea and actually is a smart investment as well.
Although you may have to make a rather large payment up front, you will ultimately save money from lower energy costs, while also enjoying a more comfortable, quieter home at the same time.