Don’t let Damp Ruin your Home Decor

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Come rain or shine, the exterior walls of the home save us from the harsh weather. With continuous contact with water, there are chances for incessant water seepage. If the dampness is not arrested on time, it could ruin the interior of the home. Everyone would want to help save their homes from the adverse weather. Here are quick tips to help you prevent damp from ruining your home.


How do you stop water seepage?

The first step to stop water seepage is identifying the water spots on the wall. At times, there could be a broken plumbing line or a leaking water tank that causes the seepage. If you have a gap between your wall and your neighbor’s wall it could also lead to infiltration. Using poor quality plaster materials could also be the reason for seepage. If you are not sure of the reason, you could always consult damp proofing experts.

Here are quick tips to stop water seepage:

1. Use good quality paints

A high-quality water-resistant paint increases the longevity of your property. When moisture seeps through the concrete it damages the walls. Today paints are available in many different shades with different options. Choose a good exterior paint that can withstand the temperature.


2. Fill up cracks

Fix cracks in the wall as and when you spot them. Some cracks could be bad as they get damaged during the rains. A simple white cement could help you fix these cracks. If you are not confident about your DIY skills, consider hiring an expert.

3. Check the drainage system

Go for a basic check on the property. Finding out blockages in the pipes and drains could save you money. When there is a burst plumbing line, it could lead to moisture seepage in the wall.

drainage system

4. Keep your house warm

A warm house keeps away unwanted moisture. Fix a heater or set a thermostat in the property to keep the house warm. When there are a sudden rise and fall in the temperature there is a chance for condensation. with a thermostat, the risks are minimized. The property is kept at a constant temperature to help avoid moisture.

warm house

5. Keep exhaust fans

An exhaust fan keeps away unwanted moisture in the room. Keeping the house ventilated is important to get rid of moisture. Keep windows open and keep exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathrooms. Limit the moisture content at home by making changes. Using dehumidifiers can help to remove excess moisture from the home.

exhaust fan

6. Make simple changes

Making small changes to your home could save your house from moisture. If you had been drying your laundry inside the house, switch it to outdoors. Covering the lid of the vessel when cooking could also help avoid moisture to your interiors. Avoiding home improvement activities in winter helps you escape moisture and damp walls. Using moisture absorbers is another ingenious idea to prevent moist air.

Make the home a more comfortable and beautiful place with less moisture. Ignoring a damp wall could make the effects of moisture worse. There could be a damage done in the interior of the house if it is not treated in the right way. Simple changes to your home can make a huge difference. Enjoy a hassle-free property without water damages.

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