The holidays is a time for great joy and love as you get to visit with family members that you have not seen all year long. Many family members may come from out of town and are in need of a place to stay. If you are generous enough to open up your doors to family members who are coming from afar, there is much to do to prepare for their arrival. This article will highlight some tips to help you prepare your home for hosting family during the holiday season.
Sleeping quarters. The first thing that you need to do after you have an idea of how many people you can expect to be hosting is to identify where you will have all of your family members sleep. If you have a large home this will not be a problem. However, if you have a home that can accommodate your current family, you may need to be creative in finding ways to fit everyone into your home comfortably.
Consider the needs of those coming to visit and ask your children to give up their bedroom for a short period of time to accommodate grandparents, aunts and uncles, or others who may be visiting. Once you have identified sleeping quarters, be sure to clean sheets, dust, vacuum, and de-clutter to make room for your guests.
Make sure that your home has a pleasant smell. Even if you have the cleanest home on the block, if your home has a strange odor to it, your guests may perceive your home to be unsavory. It is important to light candles or use air fresheners so that you have a home that smells good.
Some of the pleasant scents may even come from your kitchen while you cook or bake for your visitors. Whatever you choose to do, just be cognizant of the smell of your home and if you have pets, be sure to vacuum more often so that you can pick up fur and dander that will mitigate the lovely smell you are trying to obtain.
Clean towels and toiletries. In addition to having clean sheets on the beds, you will want to have clean towels in the bathrooms. You will also want to have a stash of extra toiletries such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, face wash, and other necessities in case your family members forgot theirs at home. Your hospitality will be noticed and appreciated by your family for years to come.
Preparing for the holidays can be a stressful time but it does not have to be. If you plan ahead, spread out the workload amongst your spouse and children, and keep your home clean regularly before the arrival of your guests, you should be able to prepare accordingly. If you find what you are running out of time, be sure to have a clean smelling home for your guests in addition to providing clean towels, sheets, and a warm and welcoming home to sleep in.
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