Affordable and Easy Curb Appeal Ideas
Whether you are trying to impress potential buyers when selling your home, or just want to give your home a facelift, there are several ways to improve your curb appeal without breaking the bank. Even something as impressive as new exterior wall cladding can be affordable. No matter your budget, there is always a few easy tasks you can tackle to improve the overall look of your house.

Tidy Up the Landscaping
Nothing will give your house a bad first impression like a messy or dying row of flowerbeds. You don’t necessarily have to have a natural green thumb to keep your landscaping looking better. Add a layer of wood chip mulch to eliminate all the weeds, and to give a smoother look to your beds, and pull up any plants that are looking unhealthy.
For a really low-maintenance look, replace flowers with some shrubs. Give them a little trim now and then and they will look nice all year round with very little effort.
If maintaining a flower bed still seems like too much trouble, you can add some easier landscape with a few plants in attractive containers instead. This is a great choice if you have a large deck or a small yard that doesn’t have space for in-ground planting areas.
Update the Siding
Like we mentioned above, you can really give your house a whole new look with new cladding or siding. It’s probably cheaper than you think. These days, you have a variety of materials to choose from and you can improve both the look and actual value of your home with a new layer of cladding. Vinyl, wood or even stone can protect against the elements and add some more insulation for energy cost savings.
This is the biggest project we’re mentioning and its not something you can put together over a weekend like the others. Even so, you will love the outcome and the new look of new siding if you take this route.
Look to the Windows
The windows of your home are a large part of its overall appearance, and you can do a little upgrading there at next to no cost. Faded or cracked sills and trim will look much nicer after some sanding and a new coat of paint, or you could add some colorful shutters to bring a brighter look to the house. If you already have shutters, try a new color this time for a change.
Don’t forget that you can see through the windows too, and your interior curtains or blinds are part of the package. If they are faded or damaged, they detract from your curb appeal.
A General Cleanup
Items in the yard are inevitable, but letting too much clutter accumulate will give a very messy impression to anyone seeing your house. You might be so used to seeing that pile of patio chairs, or the unused outdoor toys that you forget they’re there. Take a look at your yard with fresh eyes, and try to find less visible homes for all the stuff. Invest in a small shed if you have to.