Simple, Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money This Summer

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While not always the first thought that comes to mind when setting yourself up for the summer months, keeping yourself cool and comfortable through the heat can be a huge drain on natural resources, not to mention a great expense for you and your family. Lucky for the frugal environmentalists within us, there are a few ways to beat the heat while still saving for some outdoor adventures.

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Keeping Things Fresh

An effortlessly vibrant garden in the summer months may not be quite as perfect as it seems when you’re facing a full watering schedule and an empty wallet. If you’re wanting to stay eco-friendly, while saving a few bucks on the side, water tanks can keep things fresh both in and outside the backyard. While rainwater is a perfect way to keep your yard glorious and guilt-free, setting yourself up with the right tools it can make it a free replacement for a multitude of household tasks.
vegetable garden

If you don’t want to pay out for a pump, or go through the processes of custom plumbing, you can still use this water for irrigation, washing your car, and filling your pool for the warmer months just to name a few handy uses. Taking into consideration that summer isn’t known for its intense rainfall, setting up a way to reap the rewards of winter and spring can get you prepared and ready for the sunshine to come.

Well pressure tanks will allow you to lower energy consumption as well as getting more use (longer lifespan) out of the pump. When choosing one it is important to check capacity and find the one that suits your needs, size of tank and materials it is made of.

Let There Be Light

You’re going to have a lot of extra sun this summer, so you might as well use it while it’s there. Solar panels are slowly taking the limelight as more households make a switch to the power of sunshine. While they are decreasing your greenhouse gas emissions with clean, pure energy, the amount you would be saving on electricity is enough to make anyone’s day brighter.

solar panels


While we are still on the subject of electricity, summer isn’t the cheapest time of year, as air conditioning has unsurprisingly become one of the leading power drains in the western world. Of course that isn’t to say that you should be at the mercy of the elements, but choosing when and where to use your cooler can make a huge impact on the amount of energy expended in your home while dealing with the sweltering summer air.

Commercial Services

If you are planning on switching on the AC for those sweltering afternoons (and frankly who among us isn’t?), making sure that all of your windows and doors are closed off will make sure that you aren’t wasting your time trying to cool off a house that refuses to budge in temperature.

Home Cooking

While the alluring draw of dining out in the summer is practically impossible to ignore, cooking at home has benefits that go far past the temptations of tastebuds. It isn’t too hard to tell you that a homemade meal is on-average the much cheaper alternative, but the fact that it expends less resources than a restaurant experience is oft overlooked. For those hoping to cut down on their consumption while not giving up the good stuff, a pressure cooker is a quicker, easy and delicious way to keep things cooking while shrinking your unwanted bills in the process.

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