30 Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years
OMG, it happened! Today I turn 30! This date is so BIG (big in a sense of my thoughts, concerns and anticipations about it) that I feel really strange that it has finally arrived. In my mind the time stopped for me at the age of 22 (don’t know why) and despite the figure in my passport I still feel like 22. In fact, even better than that as I never was so much in piece and harmony with myself.
I think it is a wonderful stage in life, when you already have a bit of experience, yet still full of desire and energy to explore the world. As probably every person reaching a certain round date, I’ve been thinking a lot over the past days about my past, my future, my experience and new resolutions. I’ve came up with the idea to make this list of things which I’ve learned during these 30 years, which I want to share with you.
1. Be positive. I love optimists – people who like to smile, laugh and enjoy life. As much as possible I try to be like them.
2. Do not complain. Never ever. Even if you have the greatest desire to do so. Everybody has problems and concerns, and talking constantly only about your troubles is very selfish. Plus, people hate whiners, so if you don’t want to loose your friends, try as much as possible to avoid complaints.
3. Nobody owes you anything. If you receive something from other people – it’s their gesture of goodwill. Learn how to appreciate things instead of taking them for granted.
4. Never humiliate or offend other people. Don’t be arrogant and think that you are any better than others. You are not.
5. If you need something from other people, ask them nicely. People instinctively hate being ordered or pushed, but if you ask them really kind, they would be happy to do things for you.
6. Something what seems like a disaster today, in five years time most probably will make you smile.
7. The first steps to stay organised is to get up early, dress-up neatly and wash hair every day.
8. Don’t underestimate the importance of the way you look. Even going to the nearest supermarket don’t dress slovenly – you never know whom you will meet on the way.
9. Care about your health. This is something we don’t think about when we are twenty and regret we were not thinking when we are thirty and above.
10. Love always is a solo travel. It is the ability to give, without expecting to get something in return.
11. Self-education is the most important investment. Knowledge, skills and erudition are assets, valuable at all times.
13. There are such things as meanness and betrayal. When you face them – do not waste you energy by trying to revenge the person who did it. The best thing will be to delete him from your life. If the person was able to betray once, there is no guarantee he won’t do it in the future.
14. Do not spend time for the people you don’t like – they are not worth it.
15. Try to avoid and fight jealousy and anger. Life is to short to spend it for negative emotions.
16. By focusing on only one side of your life you might miss something important on the other. Thus if investing all the time in career, you might fail to build a family. While giving all your efforts to the family, you will forget about such thing as self-realisation: children will grow up and go, and you will be left with no interest in life.
17. Do not be afraid of the changes. But in case you fail, do always have a plan B.
18. Never be afraid to be alone. Keeping the relationship just for the sake of not being alone is the closest way to unhappiness.
19. Don’t be scared to open your heart to others but do not give you heart as a present to anyone.
20. Don’t think that you are more clever than others. There would be always a person who is more clever than you.
21. Don’t think that your are more stupid than others – or other people will start think so too.
22. Everything what you do returns as a boomerang. Maybe not now. Maybe not with a same person. But it does really work.
22. Don’t devote your whole life to another person. Do not dissolve in him. The more independent you are, the more attractive you are.
23. Don’t gossip – or it might turn against you. If ever discussing others, always say only nice things.
24. Don’t judge – before you bat an eyelash, you can get in exactly the same situation.
25. In most of the cases we are responsible for our misfortunes by taking risks which could be avoided.
26. If you want to get something in life – be ready to go and grab it. Nobody will bring it to you on a tray.
27. Success is always the result of a very hard work.
28. Don’t compare your life with others. You have no idea what they are really feeling and experiencing at the moment.
29. Believe in miracles.Â
30. The best things are still about to happen with us.
Thank you so much for reading and being with me on my anniversary! Wishing you all the very best of luck!