Kelly Hoppen Style: The Golden Rules of Design

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Kelly Hoppen, whatever she does: decorates the houses, creates new lines of interior products or writes a book, makes sure she does it well. The book that I’ve just read “Kelly Hoppen Style: The Golden Rules of Design” must be on the shelf of every Interior Designer. Some might like Kelly Hoppen’s style, some might not but the advice and professional tips she gives in her book are the basics of design which every professional should know and apply.

Kelly Hoppen style

First of all I need to mention that I totally adore her style so my review is a little bit prejudiced. Looking at the photos of  interiors she designed made me each time exclaim: “Ooh, so beautiful!”, “Ooh, brilliant!”. Her style is always discreet, muted, soft and quite. Her ability to create  interiors which are simple and neutral but at the same very elegant and refined, is for me the best manifestation of professionalism and design talent.

What I appreciated about this book is generosity: Kelly is ready to share her knowledge and hidden tricks with everyone who likes and understands her style. Her revealed secrets can be useful both for professional designers and for all other people who just enjoy decorating process.

Kelly Hoppen book 2

The book is divided into 16 chapters and each one of them has beautiful illustrations and detailed descriptions of the techniques that Kelly uses. The second part of the book is actually devoted to the “golden rules” and covers such design principles as scale, symmetry, balance, color, texture and lighting. Here Kelly thoroughly explains how to apply her favorite neutral palette and particularities of decorating in taupe, sand, cream and white.

Kelly Hoppen style

The only weaknesses of the book: sometimes it seemed to me that interiors created by Kelly Hoppen do not really reveal personalities of the clients and their tastes but rather illustrate her own design preferences. The designed spaces varied little from client to client and resembled more hotel rooms than homes.


The book is very easy to read (I finished it in two evenings). Wonderful illustrations make it very interactive and descriptive. The author shares a lot of valuable and useful tips about Interior Design that are not generic but come from her own experience and knowledge. “The Golden Rules of Design” will be useful for design students, professionals and all those who love beautiful interiors.

My rating: 5 stars out of 5.

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