3 Area Rug Styles That are Totally Slaying Right Now

3 Area Rug Styles That are Totally Slaying Right Now

Wall-to-wall carpet throughout a home is a little, shall we say, bleh. When it comes to choosing the best flooring options, though, hardwood is where it’s at in terms of quality, durability, cleanliness and homebuyer appeal. But what about rug styles? And for those already blessed with beautiful hardwood floors, today’s interior designers recommend decorating with…

Tips in Finding The Right Sourcing Company When Renovating or Building Your House

Tips in Finding The Right Sourcing Company When Renovating or Building Your House

Prior to building or renovating your house, you might be interested in finding a sourcing company that can provide you products that you need. Contacting a manufacturer directly can seem like a daunting process, but thanks to the internet, it isn’t an exclusive interaction with businesses. There are a few guidelines you will want to…