4 Key Health Tips for Frequent Travelers

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For many, travel is a way of life. Some people travel for work. Others for leisure. Regardless, if you travel often, you should be aware of certain health tips to protect your own well-being, and the well-being of those around you when you head out for your next destination. Indeed, COVID-19 presents a number of challenges for individuals who travel on a regular basis. But even beyond that, consistent globetrotters should take certain steps to ensure their health. Check out our top four tips on the matter here: 

Follow Health Guidelines

Obviously, individuals traveling over the next few months should make it a point to adhere to all local and federal guidelines regarding COVID-19. This could include, but is not limited to, wearing a mask, social distancing, frequently washing your hands, and isolating after a potential exposure. In addition, though, travelers going to certain areas on the globe may need to receive a vaccine for specific travel destinations. For example, individuals traveling to some countries in South America may need to get a yellow fever vaccination a month before their departure date.

Deal with Problems ASAP

Even a small medical problem can lead to big problems down the line if you ignore it. As such, frequent travelers should make a habit of dealing with pain points and medical conditions as soon as they experience symptoms. Putting off something like bunion surgery, for instance, could cause some individuals to suffer serious –– and avoidable –– foot pain. And that’s the last thing anyone wants to experience on vacation!  

Pack Health Supplies

Ideally, a traveler would never have to utilize an emergency health kit while on a trip. However, it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry in this regard. So it’s not a bad idea to pack a basic first aid kit when you travel. Plus, you may also want to keep a bottle of water and/or a healthy snack on your person at all times. This way, if you get lost or something bad happens to you (like you lose your wallet) you’ll have something to eat and something to drink. Always remember to stay hydrated any time you exert yourself on a trip. 

Know Where to Find Help

Traveling to another country can be an extremely rewarding experience. It can also be a harrowing one under the wrong circumstances, though. Given that fact, all travelers should understand how to get help should they get sick or injured while traveling. Consider learning a few key phrases in a foreign language (e.g. “help me”), and look up where you can contact medical professionals in your area should the need arise. One day you may be very glad you took these precautions

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