How to Pick the Right Bed Frame for Your Sleeping Pattern

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The quality of the sleep you get during the night will have a direct impact on your performance the next day. A job that requires your undivided attention and focus might become a burden if you did not rest well the night before. And yet, despite the importance decompressing plays for recharging our batteries and being able to function at full capacity, a lot of us don’t get enough rest.

bed frame

Studies show that between 50 and 70 million US adults have a sleep disorder that prevents them from getting the rest they need. As such, 38% of them admitted that they have unintentionally fallen asleep during the day at least once in the previous month.

When downtime becomes a difficult task to achieve, every detail can make a world of difference. Some pay close attention to the mattress and pillows, others use noise machines to help them get in a state of relaxation, and some use apps to monitor their sleeping patterns and identify the culprit. However, one crucial element that most people neglect is the bed frame.

Here’s how buying the right bed frame is key to having a good night’s sleep.

Consider the Size

You should consider both the size of the bed frame and of the room.  Keep in mind that bed frame sizes are not standardized and they can differ from manufacturer to manufacturer or from country to country. That’s why it’s vital to do your research before buying one.

Bed frames come in single, twin and even queen and king size. Each of these formats targets specific needs, so it’s vital to know the purpose of your acquisition. For example, if you’re thinking about buying a twin bed, then shop for a large bed frame since that way the chances of a disturbed sleep will decrease dramatically.

Consider the height of the bed frame as well. As rule of thumb, purchase one that is between ten and 15 cm longer than the tallest person in your family so that they can comfortably climb out of bed.

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