4 Interior Design Tips for Your First Home

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Buying and moving in to your first home is an important milestone in anybody’s life. Once the initial excitement (and stress!) of selecting and purchasing your home has passed, then the desire to truly make the place our own sets in. Interior design is an art, and as with all art forms it is one that can be learned and refined as time goes on.

Interior design, like other art forms, is also hard to get right the first time. Unless, of course, you are one of those lucky people who seem to just have an innate talent for home design. For these people, gliding through the aisles of their nearest home décor store, filling their cart with the most tasteful and complement selection of accessories known to man is a breeze.

Most of us however will be starting from the beginning. We will make mistakes, and we will need to train and refine our eye for design. This guide is designed (no pun intended) to get you started on your first interior design project.


Juxtaposition, as well as being one of the most pleasing words in the English language, is a term that every aspiring designer should know. To juxtapose means to put two or more things together which contrast with one another in such a way that they shouldn’t work together, and yet they do.

A good example of juxtaposition in design is to use a light color scheme for painting the walls of a room and then contrasting this with dark colored furniture.


The accessories we have in our homes, things like clocks, toasters, telephones, even televisions, are all opportunities to build on your preferred aesthetic style. Retro chic is very fashionable these days, toasters, telephones, and microwaves can all be purchased in a retro style, meaning that on the outside they resemble designs from several decades ago while their internal components are state of the art.

Check out todaybestreviews.com for some inspiration and an idea of what the best home accessories available are.

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With the costs of living higher than ever before, first time buyers are looking at homes which are smaller than those that would have been available to many of their parents. Because of this, one of the cornerstones of good contemporary home design is to embrace minimalism.

It allows you to keep things simple while also saving money and instead directing your cash towards an early payoff of your first mortgage!

Minimalist designs use empty space to emphasize what’s there. For example, minimalist interior design usually makes use of light colored backgrounds to create the impression that a room offers more open space than it really does.


Mirror, mirror, on the wall, how can I make this room seem bigger than all? Why, by positioning your mirrors so that each is reflected in the other. This creates an infinite hallway effect and can make even the smallest of rooms seem much bigger.

Alternatively, you can set the mirrors up so that they don’t reflect one another and thus create a gentler, less intense, effect.

Home design isn’t easy, but it is a fun and rewarding learning experience. The words of advice above should be enough to get you started, but the key is to experiment and develop your own style and taste.

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