Is Your Bedroom Damaging Your Health?

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Our bedrooms should be relaxing sanctuaries, where we go to sleep, recover, and refresh. But in many cases, they are places that could actually be causing us harm. Here are a few things that might be damaging your health in your bedroom – and some solutions that are life-enhancing, as well as practical and stylish.

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Clutter and mess is a common sight in many bedrooms all over the country. And it’s no surprise – it’s the only room in the home that guests never see, and it often ends up as a dumping ground when you are cleaning the rest of the house.

But a cluttered bedroom can actually cause you lots of stress, meaning a poorer quality night’s sleep and a host of other problems, which could develop into heart problems, stroke, and high blood pressure. Pretty serious, right? So, have a think about investing in proper storage solutions for your bedroom and all over the house, so everything has a home. You’ll find that your room becomes a more relaxing place in an instant.

Pillows and bed sheets

Pay more attention to your pillows and bed sheet, and you will find you have a better night’s sleep. Not only that, but it’s worth bearing in mind that your pillows and sheets could be full of nasty chemicals that release fumes while you sleep. Take pillows made from polyurethane foam, as an example. Most of them are made from petroleum derivatives, and the fumes they release could be causing you liver issues, thyroid toxicity, and a whole lot more besides. Always use natural materials when choosing pillows and bed sheets, and you will avoid damaging your health.


It’s not just your bed sheets and pillows that could be releasing toxic fumes – it’s your furniture, too. Plywood and other composite woods are often formed with a lot of glue and adhesive which give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs.) Bear in mind that VOCs can be incredibly dangerous over time, and cause chronic health conditions. Always choose good wooden or metal furniture, and make sure you understand about VOCs.

Carpets, rugs, and mats

Carpets and rugs are often created with VOCs present in them, too – more than you might think. It’s important to bear this in mind when shopping for a carpet, and always choose options that are VOC-free. You could rip out your carpet altogether, of course, although if you prefer a soft padding for your feet, try to go green and stop using harsh chemicals to clean it.


It’s vital that you ensure you are washing your sheets, linen, and pillowcases regularly. Dust mites are a big problem in many beds and could be causing you all kinds of conditions from triggering your allergies through to having persistent coughs. Get some allergen-proof covers, and make sure you wash blankets and sheets at least once a week!

As you can see, there are a few things in your bedroom that could be causing you health problems. Get them sorted, and you will enjoy a better night’s sleep, feel more refreshed, and ensure your bedroom is the relaxing sanctuary you deserve.

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