It’s Time To Embrace Bold Design Choices!

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One of the main problems that a lot of people have it that they don’t feel as though their home really stands out in any unique and meaningful way. They get to the point where their home just ends up feeling sort of stale rather than something that reflects their personality.

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If you find yourself feeling this way then never fear! There are plenty of things that you can do in order to bring your personality into your home but there’s one incredibly simple thing that you can do that will bring new life and vibrancy into your home almost instantly: embrace bold design choices.

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Including some radical and exciting design elements into your home is a fantastic way to make any room feel more alive. Far too often people are encouraged to steer away from doing anything too bold in case it doesn’t work, but this just ends up making homes look bland and overly generic. It’s time to start being daring and here are some ideas that can help you do just that!

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Eye-catching furniture

One of the saddest things that people end doing in their homes is that they treat their furniture as something that is purely functional. This means that, more often than not, it ends up blending into to the background, something that you spend a lot of time on but rarely think of as part of the decor.

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Instead why not choose furniture that’s really going to pop! Whether it’s a cool modern reclining chair or a leather chesterfield sofa, there are plenty of different types of furniture that you can use to enhance the style of your home or create a centerpiece for any given room.

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Feature walls

There’s a well established interior design rule that your walls should be as neutral and plain as possible. The idea behind it is that it’s the ideal blank canvas for hanging pictures on. The problem is that, unless you fill your walls up with dozens upon dozens of artworks and photographs, you’re probably going to end up with the blandest, most uninteresting walls possible.

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There comes a time when you have to say goodbye to magnolia! Instead, why not pick a wall in one of your rooms and make it really stand out. Pick a bold color that you really love and color that wall in it. By combining bright colors with lots of wall hangings, you’ll be able to create the perfect focal point that is going to draw someone’s eye instantly.

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Get creative with your space

A lot of the time rooms are arranged in a pretty common way. Sofas pointed towards a TV in the corner of the living room, a dining table as the centerpiece of the dining room, etc. But here’s the thing, there are no hard and fast rules that say you have to do things that way. After all, it’s your home; you can do pretty much whatever you want with it. Why not get creative with the arrangement of each room. It might not always work out but then you can just try again. Who knows, you might end up with something you never even considered before.

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