Surviving Summer Heat

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No one is have to suffer from the summer heat these days as we all have many  types of contemporary air conditioning devices that can make our lives easier.

Maintain your AC and it will maintain you

For those who reside in a sunny area, suffer from annoying heat and wish to renovate living space or add new stylish detail to one’s apartment, it is possible to find here  tips and tricks on how to maintain, repair or install an AC.

If you’re looking to get yourself an air conditioning unit, visit Gear Hungry today to read reviews on the best ones available.

Снимок экрана 2016-06-21 в 21.19.14

Maintaining steady work

We are all familiar with the situation when the heat outside makes it impossible to stay outdoor and we are seeking a haven inside. In order to feel ourselves comfortable and create pleasant and relaxing conditions, we have to maintain our AC. To do so, it is vital to stick to few rules while using your device:

  • Keep it clean. In case you observe a mold inside ducts or on any other parts – it is a sign that your AC must be cleaned and the best way to do this is to address a service provider’s specialist who cleans air ducts.

Timely cleaned air ducts can also prevent some health and breathing problems as your air will be cleaner and fresh. It is a well-known fact that dirty air causes allergies and weakens the immune system as ducts might be cluttered with dust and infested with vermin;

  • If not used often – AC must be removed or covered. In this way it will be protected from dust and weather conditions (in case of outdoor unit).
  • Check  and replace the filters if needed. It is a vital procedure if you have any pets in the house.


To ensure the air quality it is a must to change clogged and dirty filters, moreover it will save up to 15% of energy consumption.

Energy saving tips

The smaller the difference between outdoor and indoor temperature the less energy is used. So here we will give some recommendations on how to spend money wisely:

  • First of all try to use shades or plant extra trees closer to your windows to create more shade. It will cool down the temperature around your house;
  • Use portable unit if you are cooling down only one room. These devices are consuming up to 50% less energy than central air unit;
  • Try solar screens, they block up to 80% of the sun’s rays and at the same time protect your furniture;
  • To increase a cooling effect you can use fans. Arranging them wisely, you will create a constant  air flow and there will be no need in continuous air conditioning;
  • Also you can save money simply by replacing your old AC to a new one as they consume less energy.

air conditioner

We mentioned only few ways of cutting down your expenses. Of course, there are a lot of them and we are sure you can invent your own methods to cool yourself down wisely.

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